Full alphabetical list of examples. 18W MOSFET amplifier with npn transistor 1D navigation 3D cone A bottom-up chart of a TeX workflow A calendar for doublesided DIN-A4 A calendar of circles A circular diagram of a TeX workflow A complete graph A Cone in 3D A CONSORT-style flowchart of a randomized controlled trial A descriptive diagram of TikZ tasks A diagram of TeX engines A diagram of TeX software A family tree A flowchart of a TeX workflow A hexagon for memorizing trigonometric identities A mindmap showing TeX projects supported by DANTE e.V. A Petri-net for Hagen A picture for Karl’s students A seven segment digital display A simple cycle A simple graph-model in 3D A simple Tree A Venn diagram with PDF blending AC drive components AC drive voltage flux control Actor Transaction Diagram Airfoil profiles An example of tikz and listings jointly used Andler optimal lot-size Animated definite integral Animated distributions Animated illustration of the convolution of two functions. Animated set intersection Animated Wankel-Motor Animation for Lower Riemann Sum Animation for Upper Riemann Sum Annotated 3D box Annotated manipulator Archimedes’s approximation of pi Arithmetic mean as center of mass Arithmetic of the clock Assignment structure Asymmetric information Atoms and orbitals Automata Bar chart Basic Philosophy concepts Bayesian Probability Illustration Diagram Beamer arrows Belt and pulley system BER measurement on fibre optical system Biconcave lens Birthday cake Birthday calendar Block Diagram for TTL IC Multiplexer 74HC153 Block diagram line junctions Block diagram of Third order noise shaper in Compact Disc Players Bode plot Bond graph Bootstrap resampling Borromean rings Borrowers and lenders Box and whisker plot Boxes with text and math Butterfly Lemma Chains with labeled edges Changing the default calendar layout Christmas fractal tree Christmas tree Christmas tree plotted Christmas tree with shading CIELAB color space Circle in the complex plane Circuit example CircuiTikz – Easy electrical networks Circular arrows with text Circumscribed Parallelepiped Circumscribed polygons and circles Class diagram Clusters of atoms Coffee cup Coloring diagrams – linear relaxation Colpitts oscillator, with npn transistor Combinatorial graphs Commutative diagram Commutative diagram with crossing edges Computational Complexity Classes Computer diagram Computer science mindmap Conics – Polars and Tangents Connecting text and graphics Control system principles Credit rationing Cuboid in a 2 vanishing points perspective D flip-flops and shift register Daniell’s pile Dartboard Data flow diagram Database decimation process Decision tree Degree wheel Dekatron Diagram for the Bernoulli Principle Diagram of Android activity life cycle Difference quotient Dipolar magnetic field Direct torque control of AC drive Direction-of-arrival diagram Distance, velocity and acceleration vectors Distributed processing Double Arrows a la Chef Drawing a graph Drawing a graph using the PG 3.0 graphdrawing library Drawing angles using the PG 3.0 angles and quotes libraries Drawing lattice points and vectors Drawing trees with the PG 3.0 pic feature Dynamic inverse-gamma-equivalent circuit for an induction machine Easy-maintenance flowchart Egg Electric circuit decorations Emoticons Enderman Energy level diagram Energy level diagrams – illustrating Hund’s rule Energy levels of a fluor molecule Entity-Relationship diagram Entity-relationship diagram Envelope EPC flow charts eps2pgf Escher Brick and Penrose Triangle Exam sheet Example for tkz-orm v0.1 2010/01/25 Excised, Horizon-Penetrating Coordinates for Black Hole Spacetime Fading text Faking slanted small caps using TikZ low level transforms Falling dominoes Fancy arrows drawn with the PGF 3.0 arrows.meta library Fancy chapter headings Fancy colorful tables with TikZ Fault tree Feynman diagram Fibonacci spiral File folder with archived pages Filesystem tree Finite impulse response filter Finite impulse response filter Fireworks Fitting text to a shape Flowchart Flowchart Focused ion beam system Foldable dodecahedron with Calendar Ford circle Free body diagrams Gajski-Kuhn Y-chart Gamma interaction Genaille and Lucas sticks for multiplication and division Glider Global nodes GNUPLOT basics Gnuplot TikZ terminal Graph paper Gray Code in 4-cube Growing wave decoration Guitar chords H-tree and b-tree Handling the crossover of intersecting lines Hidden and exposed terminal problems in Wi-Fi Hierarchical diagram High harmonics Highlighting elements in matrices Hilbert curve Homotopy of paths HSV shading Hypercycle Idealised directional spectrum India map Inertial navigation system Insulated gate bipolar transistor equivalent circuit Interaction diagram Interaction nets Intersecting arcs Intersecting lines Intersecting rings Intersection of IS-LM diagram J-Curve Kalman Filter System Model Karnaugh diagram Knowledge Base Exchange framework Lambert-Beer law parameters drawing Lindenmayer systems Line Plot Example Linear regression Lipid vesicle Logarithmic spiral Logic circuits library Logic diagram LR constraints – Drawing and filling with arcs and Bezier curves Lune of Hippocrates Mandala Map of a HiSPARC detector inside the KASCADE experiment Marketing distribution channel Matrix multiplication Maze Mechanism of Scanning electron microscopy Membrane and Ions Membrane-like surface Merge sort recursion tree MESIF protocol Metapost style ncbar connection Mindmap Minimum shift keying modulator Mnemonic rule for matrix determinant Mobile ad-hoc network Model of a throttle valve Modernized Islamic Art Modifying the current page node More tikz-timing examples Morley’s triangle Mosaic from Pompeii Motivation model diagram Heckhausen Rheinberg Nested Grids in SWAN and WAM coupling Network Topology Neural network Nice shaded/framed paragraphs using tikz and framed Nine points circle of a triangle Node shapes Oblique Incidence Observer/Estimator One of the Quad-2 inputs OR Gate in MC14071B Optical Fiber Polarization Controller Overlapping arrows Oxidation and reduction P2P system topology Pancake network Parabola plot Parallel lines and related angles Parameterised pig Parameterized plots Pascal triangle Pascal’s triangle and Sierpinski triangle PDCA cycle Penrose tiling Periodic boundaries conditions Periodic Table of Chemical Elements Perpendicular bisectors of a triangle Perpendicular bissector Personality test PGF 2.0 title page PGF version 1.18 Phasor diagram Physical pendulum Pie chart Pie chart with colors Plane partition Plane Sections of the Cylinder – Dandelin Spheres Planets Plot of the Brillouin Function Poincare Points of intersection Polar coordinates template Polar plot with grid Polarization state of light Polarizing microscope Polygon division Poppy flower Porter model Power electronics – A controlled full-wave rectifier and it’s output voltage and current waveforms Power electronics – Converters and Inverter Power electronics – The schematic diagram of a solar system connected to the grid Prerequisite chart Pressurized water reactor Prim’s algorithm Principle of separated control and safety systems Principle of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) Probability tree Projectile Projectile Motion Projection of circles onto a spherical surface Purdue Enterprise Reference Architecture Model Putting a diagrams in chains Puzzle Pythagorean triangle with the squares of its sides and labels Python if-then-else syntax diagram Quantum circuit Radix-2 FFT signal flow Rainbows – Sun ray entering a rain drop Random city Rectangle node with diagonal fill Red-black tree Refraction – Snell’s Law Regular polygons Replicating triangles Representation of a geometric series RGB color mixing RGB triangle RNA codons table Rooty helix Rose rhodonea curve Rotated polygons Rotated squares Rotated triangle Rotation of the sphere in 3D RPM disc Rule based diagram Rules Rusting Iron Safe fusion Sankey diagram Scatterplot Scenario tree Schema of Labs on a class Schemabloc Schematic of Wavelength Division Multiplexer (Optical Fiber Coupler) Scheme of Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) Scientific interactions Segment of a Cylinder Seismic focal mechanism in 3D view. Semiconductor pn junction diagram Sequence diagram Series and parallel graph diagrams Set operations illustrated with Venn diagrams Seven-segment display Shake and Rattle on a planar pendulum example Shear torsion Sieve of Eratosthenes Sign diagram Signal flow building blocks Signpost with loads applied Simple circuit schematics symbols Simple flow chart Simulating hand-drawn lines with TikZ Simulation approaches versus abstraction levels Sine and Cosine functions animation Skype network topology Smooth maps Snake Lemma Snowflakes with TikZ Spherical and cartesian grids Spherical polar pots with 3dplot Spiderweb diagram Splitting of Hydrogen in different strong magnetic fields Stacked discs in 3d Standard deviation Standard model of physics Star graph State machine Steradian cone in sphere Stereographic and cylindrical map projections Sudoku Sudoku 3D cube Sunflower pattern (Phyllotaxy) Sunset Supersonic nozzle technical drawing SWAN wave model Symmetries of the plane Synchronous 4-Bit counter circuit using JK-flip-flops System Combination Table in the shape of an arrow TCP state machine Temperature and rain sparklines TeXtronics oscilloscope The Earth’s orbit around the Sun The electric dipole moment (p) in the water molecule The Olympic rings The Perrin – Jablonski diagram The pgf-soroban package The seven bridges of Königsberg The TeX work flow The tikz-3dplot package The tkz-berge graph package Three link manipulator TikZ and PGF version 2.00 tikzDevice – TikZ output from R Time course of events in an experiment Timetable Timing diagram Timing diagram with the tikz-timing package Title graphics Tkz-linknodes examples tkz-plot2d Todo notes Torn paper with matching torn edges Totoro sitting in the snow Towers of Hanoi Transmission Electron Microscope System Transparent PNG overlay Transparent shadows Transversal loads Tree of probabilities – flipping a coin Truncated Cone Turing machine Turing Machine Tux in TeX with TikZ Ulam spiral UML sequence diagrams Unit circle Using signed distance functions to embed contours in discrete grids Valentine heart Venn diagram Venn diagram with magnifier Venn diagramm with PGF 3.0 blend mode Visualisation of Two’s complement for a 4-bit-value Weather stations data Windshield wiper Work breakdown structures aka WBS diagrams Yellow notes Yin and yang