The drawing is a schematic construction of a Focused Ion Beam system which bombards a target with ions. Due to gas injection you can even modify the target, not only destructive but also constructive.

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% Focused ion beam system % Author: Clemens Helfmeier \documentclass{minimal} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview} \PreviewEnvironment{tikzpicture} \setlength\PreviewBorder{5pt}% \usetikzlibrary{arrows,decorations.pathmorphing} \def\english#1{\emph{#1}} \tikzset{ arrow/.style={-stealth', line width=0.5pt}, every picture/.append style={line width=1pt}, } \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[ scale=1.3, fib housing horz/.style={top color=black!10, bottom color=black!40, draw=black!50}, fib housing vert/.style={left color=black!10, right color=black!40, draw=black!50}, fib housing/.style={fill=black!20, draw=black!50}, fib background vert/.style={left color=black!40, right color=black!10, draw=black!50}, fib background/.style={fill=black!30, draw=black!50}, fib lens thick/.style={draw=black!80, line width=0.04cm}, fib lens thinn/.style={draw=black!95, line width=0.02cm}, fib mirror/.style={draw=black!60, line width=0.03cm, fill=black!20}, fib objective/.style={draw=black!60, line width=0.03cm}, fib quadrupole/.style={draw=black!60, line width=0.03cm}, fib blanker/.style={draw=black!90, fill=black!60}, fib octopole/.style={draw=black!80, line width=0.04cm}, ] % Picture created and copyright by Clemens Helfmeier in 2009 for master thesis. % Contact me at: % Aufbau des FIBs % "falsch" herum, Probe unten, Ionen oben % einzelne Elemente sind rund, insofern auch shading anbringen % jedes element ist 1.4cm hoch. % Die FIB-Säule \begin{scope}[scale=2] \begin{scope}[yshift=0.2] %% Ionenquelle { % Rückseite \path[fib background vert] (-1,0) arc (180:360:1 and 0.05) -- (1,-1) arc (360:180:1 and 0.05) --cycle; \path[fib background vert] (-0.8,0.2) arc (180:360:0.8 and 0.04) -- (1,0) arc (360:180:1 and 0.05) --cycle; \path[fib background vert] (-0.8,-1.2) arc (180:360:0.8 and 0.04) -- (1,-1) arc (360:180:1 and 0.05) --cycle; } { % Innenleben \path[fib housing vert] (-0.3,0) -- (0.3,0) -- (0.3,-0.45) -- (0,-0.7) coordinate (source) -- (-0.3,-0.45) --cycle; \path[draw=black!80, yslant=-0.1] \foreach \x in {0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4} { (-0.3,-\x) arc(210:-30:0.35 and 0.06) }; \path[fib lens thinn] (-0.8,-0.9) -- (-0.05,-0.9) (0,-0.9) coordinate (emitter) (0.05,-0.9) -- (0.8,-0.9) coordinate[midway] (extractor); \path[fib lens thick] (-0.4,-0.4) -- (-0.4,-0.8) -- (-0.1,-0.8) (0.1,-0.8) -- (0.4,-0.8) -- (0.4,-0.4) coordinate[midway] (suppressor); } \begin{scope} % Gehäuse \path[clip,decoration={random steps, segment length=6pt, amplitude=2pt}] (-1,0.3) -- (1,0.3) -- (1,-1.3) -- (0.6,-1.3) decorate{ ..controls (0.6,0.2) and (-0.6,0.2).. (-0.6,-1.3)} -- (-1,-1.3) --cycle; \path[fib housing vert] (-1,0) arc (180:0:1 and 0.05) -- (1,-1) arc (0:180:1 and 0.05) --cycle; \path[fib housing vert] (-0.8,0.2) arc (180:0:0.8 and 0.04) -- (1,0) arc (0:180:1 and 0.05) --cycle; \path[fib housing vert] (-0.8,-1.2) arc (180:0:0.8 and 0.04) -- (1,-1) arc (0:180:1 and 0.05) --cycle; \path[fib housing] (0,-1.2) ellipse (0.8 and 0.04); \end{scope} { % Ionenpumpe extern \path[fib housing] (-1,-0.1) rectangle (-1.2,-0.6); \path[fib housing] (-1.2,-0.15) rectangle (-1.25,-0.2) (-1.2,-0.55) rectangle (-1.25,-0.5); \path[fib housing horz] (-1.2,-0.25) rectangle (-1.6,-0.45); } \end{scope} %% Beschleunigung und fokussierung \begin{scope}[yshift=-1.4cm] { % Rückseite \path[fib background vert] (-0.7,0.2) arc (180:360:0.7 and 0.03) -- (0.7,-1.2) arc (360:180:0.7 and 0.03) --cycle; } { % Innenleben \path[fib lens thinn] % Linse (-0.3,-0.25) -- (-0.5,-0.25) -- (-0.5,-0.35) -- (-0.3,-0.35) (0.3,-0.25) -- (0.5,-0.25) -- (0.5,-0.35) -- (0.3,-0.35); \path[fib lens thick] (-0.45,-0.3) -- (-0.35,-0.3) (0.35,-0.3) -- (0.45,-0.3) (0,-0.3) coordinate (ionlens1) (-0.5,-0.25) coordinate (linse1); \path[fib quadrupole] % quadrupole 1 (0,-0.45) ellipse (0.33cm and 0.01cm) (0,-0.65) ellipse (0.33cm and 0.01cm) (-0.35,-0.45) -- ++(0,-0.2) (-0.2,-0.45) -- ++(0,-0.2) (0.35,-0.45) -- ++(0,-0.2) (0.2,-0.45) -- ++(0,-0.2) (-0.35,-0.45) coordinate (quadA); \path[fib lens thick] (-0.25,-0.45) -- (0.25,-0.45) (-0.25,-0.65) -- (0.25,-0.65); \path[fib lens thick] % Blende (-0.7,-0.75) -- (-0.05,-0.75) (0.05,-0.75) -- (0.7,-0.75) coordinate[midway] (blende) (0,-0.75) coordinate (ionblende); \path[fib quadrupole] % quadrupole 2 (0,-0.85) ellipse (0.33cm and 0.01cm) (0,-1.05) ellipse (0.33cm and 0.01cm) (-0.35,-0.85) -- ++(0,-0.2) (-0.2,-0.85) -- ++(0,-0.2) (0.35,-0.85) -- ++(0,-0.2) (0.2,-0.85) -- ++(0,-0.2) (-0.35,-0.85) coordinate (quadB); \path[fib lens thick] (-0.25,-0.85) -- (0.25,-0.85) (-0.25,-1.05) -- (0.25,-1.05); } \begin{scope} % Gehäuse \path[clip,decoration={random steps, segment length=6pt, amplitude=2pt}] (0.7,0.3) -- (0.7,-1.3) -- (0.6,-1.3) decorate{ ..controls (0.5,-0.6).. (0.6,0.3)} --cycle (-0.7,0.3) -- (-0.6,0.3) decorate{ ..controls (-0.5,-0.6).. (-0.6,-1.3)} -- (-0.7,-1.3) --cycle; \path[fib housing vert] (-0.7,0.2) arc (180:0:0.7 and 0.03) -- (0.7,-1.2) arc (0:180:0.7 and 0.03) --cycle; \end{scope} { % Ionenpumpe extern \path[fib housing] (0.7,-0.1) rectangle (0.9,-0.6); \path[fib housing] (0.9,-0.15) rectangle (0.95,-0.2) (0.95,-0.15) coordinate (ionenpume) (0.9,-0.55) rectangle (0.95,-0.5); \path[fib housing horz] (0.9,-0.25) rectangle (1.3,-0.45); } \end{scope} \begin{scope}[yshift=-2.8cm] % Optik und Ablenkteile { %Rückseite \path[fib background vert] (-0.8,0.2) arc (180:360:0.8 and 0.03) -- (0.8,-1.5) arc (360:180:0.8 and 0.03) --cycle; \path[fib background] (1.3,0.3) rectangle (2.4,-1.1); } { % Innenleben \path[fib blanker] % blanker (-0.3,0.1) rectangle (-0.25,-0.2) (0.3,0.1) rectangle (0.25,-0.2) (-0.3,0.1) coordinate (blanker); \path[fib lens thick] (-0.3,-0.05) -- (-0.4,-0.05) (0.3,-0.05) -- (0.4,-0.05); \path[fib lens thick] % Faradaykäfig (-0.3,-0.25) -- (-0.3,-0.35) -- (-0.15,-0.35) -- (-0.15,-0.25) (-0.3,-0.25) coordinate (faraday) (0.3,-0.25) -- (0.3,-0.35) -- (0.15,-0.35) -- (0.15,-0.25); \path[fib octopole] % octopole 1 (0,-0.4) ellipse (0.38cm and 0.01cm) (0,-0.6) ellipse (0.38cm and 0.01cm) (-0.4,-0.4) -- (-0.4,-0.6) (0.4,-0.4) -- (0.4,-0.6) (-0.27,-0.4) -- ++(0,-0.2) (-0.1,-0.4) -- ++(0,-0.2) (0.27,-0.4) -- ++(0,-0.2) (0.1,-0.4) -- ++(0,-0.2) (0,-0.5) coordinate (ionocto1) (-0.4,-0.4) coordinate (octoA); \path[fib octopole] % octopole 2 (0,-0.7) ellipse (0.38cm and 0.01cm) (0,-1.05) ellipse (0.38cm and 0.01cm) (-0.4,-0.7) -- (-0.4,-1.05) (0.4,-0.7) -- (0.4,-1.05) (-0.27,-0.7) -- ++(0,-0.35) (-0.1,-0.7) -- ++(0,-0.35) (0.27,-0.7) -- ++(0,-0.35) (0.1,-0.7) -- ++(0,-0.35) (0,-0.88) coordinate (ionocto2) (-0.4,-0.7) coordinate (octoB); \path[fib mirror] (0.4,-0.4) -- (0.6,-0.2) -- (0.4,-0.2) -- cycle; \path[fib mirror] (0.6,-1.2) -- (0.4,-1.4) -- (0.6,-1.4) -- cycle; \path[fib mirror] (-0.1,-1.4) -- (-0.025,-1.325) (0.025,-1.275) -- (0.1,-1.2) -- cycle; \path[fib mirror] % kamera innenleben (1.6,-0.2) -- (1.8,-0.4); \path[fib lens thinn] (1.6,-0.6) arc(100:80:0.575) arc(-80:-100:0.575) -- cycle; \path[draw=black!60, fill=black!20] (1.58,-0.82) -- (1.56,-0.97) -- (1.82,-0.97) -- (1.84,-0.82) --cycle; \path[draw=black!60, shading=ball, ball color=black!30] (1.7,-0.9) ellipse (0.1cm and 0.05cm); \begin{scope} \path[clip] (2.2,-0.3) circle (0.1cm); \path[draw=black!80, line width=0.04cm] (2.2,-0.3) circle (0.1cm) (2.1,-0.2) -- (2.3,-0.4) (2.1,-0.4) -- (2.3,-0.2); \end{scope} \path[fib lens thinn] (1.9,-0.2) arc(170:190:0.575) arc(-10:10:0.575) -- cycle; } \begin{scope} % externes Gehäuse \path[clip,decoration={random steps, segment length=6pt, amplitude=2pt}] (0.8,0) -- (1.3,0) -- (1.3,0.3) -- (2.4,0.3) -- (2.4,-1.1) -- (1.3,-1.1) -- (1.3,-0.6) -- (0.8,-0.6) -- (0.8,-0.1) -- (1.4,-0.1) decorate{ .. controls (1.4,-0.5) .. (1.6,-1) .. controls (2.3,-1) .. (2.3,-0.1) .. controls (1.8,0.2) .. (1.4,0)} -- (1.4,-0.1) -- (0.8,-0.1) --cycle; \path[fib housing horz] (0.8,0) rectangle (1.3,-0.6); \path[fib housing] (1.3,0.3) rectangle (2.4,-1.1); \end{scope} \begin{scope} % Gehäuse \path[clip,decoration={random steps, segment length=6pt, amplitude=2pt}] (0.8,0.3) -- (0.8,-1.6) -- (0.6,-1.6) decorate{ ..controls (0.8,-0.6).. (0.6,0.3)} --cycle (-0.8,0.3) -- (-0.6,0.3) decorate{ ..controls (-0.4,-0.6).. (-0.6,-1.6)} -- (-0.8,-1.6) --cycle; \path[fib housing vert] (-0.8,0.2) arc (180:0:0.8 and 0.03) -- (0.8,-1.5) arc (0:180:0.8 and 0.03) --cycle; \end{scope} \end{scope} \begin{scope}[yshift=-4.5cm] % Deckel { % Rückwand \path[fib background vert] (-0.8,0.2) arc (180:360:0.8 and 0.03) -- (0.8,-0.6) arc (360:180:0.8 and 0.03) -- cycle; \path[fib background vert] (0.8,-0.6) arc (360:180:0.8 and 0.03) -- (-0.3,-1) arc (180:360:0.3 and 0.01) -- cycle; } { % Innenleben \path[fib mirror] (-0.15,-0.4) arc (-75:-50:0.25) -- (-0.05,-0.4) -- cycle; \path[fib mirror] (0.15,-0.4) arc (-105:-130:0.25) -- (0.05,-0.4) -- cycle; \path[fib mirror] (-0.2,-0.1) arc (105:125:0.8) coordinate (tmp) -- (tmp |- -0.2,-0.1) --cycle; \path[fib mirror] (0.2,-0.1) arc (75:55:0.8) coordinate (tmp) -- (tmp |- 0.2,-0.1) --cycle; \path[fib lens thinn] % 2. Linse (-0.15,-0.65) -- (-0.3,-0.65) -- (-0.3,-0.75) -- (-0.15,-0.75) (0.15,-0.65) -- (0.3,-0.65) -- (0.3,-0.75) -- (0.15,-0.75); \path[fib lens thick] (-0.27,-0.7) -- (-0.17,-0.7) (0.17,-0.7) -- (0.27,-0.7) (0,-0.7) coordinate (ionlens2) (-0.27,-0.65) coordinate (linse2); } \begin{scope} % Gehäuse \path[clip,decoration={random steps, segment length=6pt, amplitude=2pt}] (-0.8,0.3) -- (-0.6,0.3) decorate{ ..controls (-0.5,-1.3) and (0.5,-1.3).. (0.6,0.3)} -- (0.8,0.3) -- (0.8,-1) -- (-0.8,-1) -- cycle; \path[fib housing vert] (-0.8,0.2) arc (180:0:0.8 and 0.03) -- (0.8,-0.6) arc (0:180:0.8 and 0.03) -- cycle; \path[fib housing vert] (0.8,-0.6) arc (0:180:0.8 and 0.03) -- (-0.3,-1) arc (180:0:0.3 and 0.01) -- cycle; \end{scope} \end{scope} \begin{scope}[yshift=-6cm, scale=0.5] % Probe \path[draw, rounded corners=1pt] (-1,-0.2) rectangle (1,-0.3); \path[draw, fill, top color=black!5, bottom color=black!20, rounded corners=2pt] (-0.5,0) -- (-0.5,-0.18) -- (0.5,-0.18) -- (0.5,0) -- (0.2,0) -- (0,-0.07) -- (-0.2,0) -- cycle (0,-0.07) coordinate (target); \path[draw, fill=black!60] (-0.5,-0.07) -- (-0.55,-0.07) to[out=180, in=0] (-0.6,-0.13) {[rounded corners=1pt] -- (-0.68,-0.13) -- (-0.68,-0.2)} -- (-0.6,-0.2) to[out=0, in=180] (-0.55,-0.14) -- (-0.5,-0.14) -- cycle; \path[draw, fill=black!60] (0.5,-0.07) -- (0.55,-0.07) to[out=0, in=180] (0.6,-0.13) {[rounded corners=1pt] -- (0.68,-0.13) -- (0.68,-0.2)} -- (0.6,-0.2) to[out=180, in=0] (0.55,-0.14) -- (0.5,-0.14) -- cycle; \end{scope} \begin{scope}[yshift=-5.7cm, rotate around={-30:(-0.75,0.2)}] % Szintillator \path[draw=black!80, line width=0.03cm] % 1. Antenne (-0.7,0.2) -- (-0.4,0.15) -- (-0.1,0.2); \path[fib housing horz] (-0.9,0.3) -- (-0.6,0.25) arc(90:270:0.1 and 0.15) -- (-0.9,0) arc(270:90:0.1 and 0.15) --cycle; \path[fib housing] (-0.6,0.1) ellipse (0.1 and 0.15); \begin{scope} \path[fib housing] (-0.6,0.1) ellipse (0.07 and 0.11); \path[clip] (-0.6,0.1) ellipse (0.07 and 0.11); \path[shading=ball, ball color=black!30] (-0.5,0) circle (0.4); \end{scope} \path[draw=black!80, line width=0.03cm] % 2. Antenne (-0.9,0.05) -- (-0.6,0) -- (-0.4,-0.2); \end{scope} \begin{scope}[yshift=-6cm] % Gasnadel \path[fib housing horz] (2,0.7) -- (0.35,0.3) -- (0.1,0.1) -- (0.1,0.05) -- (0.4,0.25) -- (2,0.6) -- cycle; \end{scope} \begin{scope} % Strahlen % Ionen \path[draw=black!80, dashed] (source) -- (emitter) (emitter) -- (ionlens1 -| -0.23,0) -- (ionblende -| 0.32,0) (ionblende -| 0.02,0) -- (ionocto1 -| 0.028,0) -- (ionocto2 -| 0.03,0) -- (ionlens2 -| 0.07,0) -- (target) -- (ionlens2 -| -0.07,0) -- (ionocto2 -| -0.03,0) -- (ionocto1 -| -0.028,0) -- (ionblende -| -0.02,0) (ionblende -| -0.32,0) -- (ionlens1 -| 0.23,0) -- (emitter); \path[fill=white, opacity=0.3] (emitter) -- (ionlens1 -| -0.23,0) -- (ionblende -| 0.32,0) -- (ionblende -| 0.02,0) -- (ionocto1 -| 0.028,0) -- (ionocto2 -| 0.03,0) -- (ionlens2 -| 0.07,0) -- (target) -- (ionlens2 -| -0.07,0) -- (ionocto2 -| -0.03,0) -- (ionocto1 -| -0.028,0) -- (ionblende -| -0.02,0) -- (ionblende -| -0.32,0) -- (ionlens1 -| 0.23,0) -- cycle; % Licht \path[draw=red] (1.6,-3) -- (0.6,-3) -- (0.6,-4) -- (0.1,-4) -- (0.1,-4.85) -- (0.34,-4.67) -- (target) (1.8,-3.2) -- (0.4,-3.2) -- (0.4,-4.2) -- (-0.1,-4.2) -- (-0.1,-4.85) -- (-0.34,-4.67) -- (target); \path[draw=red,->] (2.1,-3.1) -- (1.9,-3) -- (1.85,-3); \path[draw=red,->] (2.1,-3.1) -- (1.9,-3.2) -- (1.85,-3.2); \path[draw=red] (1.85,-3) -- (1.6,-3) (1.85,-3.2) -- (1.8,-3.2); \path[draw=red,->] (1.6,-3) -- (1.6,-3.3); \path[draw=red,->] (1.8,-3.2) -- (1.8,-3.3); \path[draw=red] (1.7,-3.7) -- (1.6,-3.4) -- (1.6,-3.3) (1.7,-3.7) -- (1.8,-3.4) -- (1.8,-3.3); \end{scope} % Beschriftung \begin{scope}[arrow] \path[draw] (0.9,0.3) node[anchor=west] {Galliumquelle mit Heizwendel} to[out=180, in=45] (0.2,-0.3); \path[draw] (1.5,-0.6) node[anchor=west] {\english{extractor}} to[out=180, in=45] (extractor); \path[draw,shorten >=0.1cm] (1.5,-0.3) node[anchor=west] {\english{suppressor}} to[out=180, in=45] (suppressor); \path[draw] (-0.7,0.5) node[anchor=east] (tmp) {Ionenpumpe Quelle} (tmp) to[out=-90, in=180] (-1.3, -0.2); \path[draw,shorten >=0.1cm] (-1.1,-1.2) node[anchor=east] {Austritt} to[out=0, in=225] (emitter); \path[draw] (1.5,-1.3) node[anchor=west] {Ionenpumpe} to[out=180, in=45] (1,-1.5); \path[draw,shorten >=0.1cm] (-0.9,-1.8) node[anchor=east] (quad) {Quadrupole 1, 2} to[out=0, in=160] (quadA); \path[draw,shorten >=0.1cm] (quad) to[out=0, in=160] (quadB); \path[draw,shorten >=0.05cm] (-1.1,-1.4) node[anchor=east] {1. Linse} to[out=0, in=135] (linse1); \path[draw,shorten >=0.05cm] (1.5,-1.8) node[anchor=west] {Blende} to[out=180, in=60] (blende); \path[draw, shorten >=0.1cm] (-1.1,-2.3) node[anchor=east] {\english{blanker}} to[out=0, in=140] (blanker); \path[draw, shorten >=0.1cm] (-1.1,-2.7) node[anchor=east] {Faradaykäfig} to[out=0, in=140] (faraday); \path[draw, shorten >=0.1cm] (-1.1,-3.1) node[anchor=east] (okto) {Oktopole 1, 2} to[out=0, in=140] (octoA); \path[draw, shorten >=0.1cm] (okto) to[out=0, in=140] (octoB); \path[draw] (1.5,-2.1) node[anchor=west] {optische Einkopplung} to[out=180, in=70] (0.5, -2.9); \path[draw,shorten >=0.2cm] (2,-2.35) node[anchor=east] {Lichtquelle} to[out=0, in=50] (2.2,-3.1); \path[draw, shorten >=0.2cm] (2,-4.1) node[anchor=west] {CCD Kamera} to[out=180, in=-70] (1.7,-3.7); \path[draw] (1.5,-4.5) node[anchor=west] {Objektiv} to[out=180, in=20] (0.5,-4.7); \path[draw] (-1.1,-4.7) node[anchor=east] {2. Linse} to[out=0, in=150] (linse2); \path[draw] (1.5,-5.1) node[anchor=west] {Gasinjektionsnadel} to[out=180, in=70] (0.7,-5.6); \path[draw] (1.5,-5.8) node[anchor=west] {Probe} to[out=180, in=20] (0.3,-6); \path[draw] (-1.1,-5.1) node[anchor=east] {Szintillator} to[out=0, in=110] (-0.8,-5.4); \path[draw] (-1.1,-6) node[anchor=east] {Antennen} to[out=0, in=-120] (-0.7,-5.9); \end{scope} \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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