This TikZ example illustrates a number of techniques for making TikZ flowcharts easier to maintain:
- Use of <on chain> and <on grid> to simplify positioning
- Use of global <node distance> options to eliminate the need to specify individual inter-node distances
- Use of <join> to reduce the need for references to node names
- Use of <join by> styles to tailor specific connectors
- Use of <coordinate> nodes to provide consistent layout for parallel flow lines
- A method for consistent annotation of decision box exits
- A technique for marking coordinate nodes (for layout debugging)
I encourage you to tinker at this file - add intermediate boxes, alter the global distance settings, and so on, to see how well (or ill!) it adapts.

Edit and compile if you like:
% Flowcharting techniques for easy maintenance % Author: Brent Longborough \documentclass[x11names]{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{shapes,arrows,chains} \usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview} \PreviewEnvironment{tikzpicture} \setlength\PreviewBorder{5mm}% \begin{document} % ================================================= % Set up a few colours \colorlet{lcfree}{Green3} \colorlet{lcnorm}{Blue3} \colorlet{lccong}{Red3} % ------------------------------------------------- % Set up a new layer for the debugging marks, and make sure it is on % top \pgfdeclarelayer{marx} \pgfsetlayers{main,marx} % A macro for marking coordinates (specific to the coordinate naming % scheme used here). Swap the following 2 definitions to deactivate % marks. \providecommand{\cmark}[2][]{% \begin{pgfonlayer}{marx} \node [nmark] at (c#2#1) {#2}; \end{pgfonlayer}{marx} } \providecommand{\cmark}[2][]{\relax} % ------------------------------------------------- % Start the picture \begin{tikzpicture}[% >=triangle 60, % Nice arrows; your taste may be different start chain=going below, % General flow is top-to-bottom node distance=6mm and 60mm, % Global setup of box spacing every join/.style={norm}, % Default linetype for connecting boxes ] % ------------------------------------------------- % A few box styles %*and* reduce the need for manual relative % positioning of nodes \tikzset{ base/.style={draw, on chain, on grid, align=center, minimum height=4ex}, proc/.style={base, rectangle, text width=8em}, test/.style={base, diamond, aspect=2, text width=5em}, term/.style={proc, rounded corners}, % coord node style is used for placing corners of connecting lines coord/.style={coordinate, on chain, on grid, node distance=6mm and 25mm}, % nmark node style is used for coordinate debugging marks nmark/.style={draw, cyan, circle, font={\sffamily\bfseries}}, % ------------------------------------------------- % Connector line styles for different parts of the diagram norm/.style={->, draw, lcnorm}, free/.style={->, draw, lcfree}, cong/.style={->, draw, lccong}, it/.style={font={\small\itshape}} } % ------------------------------------------------- % Start by placing the nodes \node [proc, densely dotted, it] (p0) {New trigger message thread}; % Use join to connect a node to the previous one \node [term, join] {Trigger scheduler}; \node [proc, join] (p1) {Get quota $k > 1$}; \node [proc, join] {Open queue}; \node [proc, join] {Dispatch message}; \node [test, join] (t1) {Got msg?}; % No join for exits from test nodes - connections have more complex % requirements % We continue until all the blocks are positioned \node [proc] (p2) {$k \mathbin{{-}{=}} 1$}; \node [proc, join] (p3) {Dispatch message}; \node [test, join] (t2) {Got msg?}; \node [test] (t3) {Capacity?}; \node [test] (t4) {$k \mathbin{{-}{=}} 1$}; % We position the next block explicitly as the first block in the % second column. The chain 'comes along with us'. The distance % between columns has already been defined, so we don't need to % specify it. \node [proc, fill=lcfree!25, right=of p1] (p4) {Reset congestion}; \node [proc, join=by free] {Set \textsc{mq} wait flag}; \node [proc, join=by free] (p5) {Dispatch message}; \node [test, join=by free] (t5) {Got msg?}; \node [test] (t6) {Capacity?}; % Some more nodes specifically positioned (we could have avoided this, % but try it and you'll see the result is ugly). \node [test] (t7) [right=of t2] {$k \mathbin{{-}{=}} 1$}; \node [proc, fill=lccong!25, right=of t3] (p8) {Set congestion}; \node [proc, join=by cong, right=of t4] (p9) {Close queue}; \node [term, join] (p10) {Exit trigger message thread}; % ------------------------------------------------- % Now we place the coordinate nodes for the connectors with angles, or % with annotations. We also mark them for debugging. \node [coord, right=of t1] (c1) {}; \cmark{1} \node [coord, right=of t3] (c3) {}; \cmark{3} \node [coord, right=of t6] (c6) {}; \cmark{6} \node [coord, right=of t7] (c7) {}; \cmark{7} \node [coord, left=of t4] (c4) {}; \cmark{4} \node [coord, right=of t4] (c4r) {}; \cmark[r]{4} \node [coord, left=of t7] (c5) {}; \cmark{5} % ------------------------------------------------- % A couple of boxes have annotations \node [above=0mm of p4, it] {(Queue was empty)}; \node [above=0mm of p8, it] {(Queue was not empty)}; % ------------------------------------------------- % All the other connections come out of tests and need annotating % First, the straight north-south connections. In each case, we first % draw a path with a (consistently positioned) annotation node, then % we draw the arrow itself. \path (t1.south) to node [near start, xshift=1em] {$y$} (p2); \draw [*->,lcnorm] (t1.south) -- (p2); \path (t2.south) to node [near start, xshift=1em] {$y$} (t3); \draw [*->,lcnorm] (t2.south) -- (t3); \path (t3.south) to node [near start, xshift=1em] {$y$} (t4); \draw [*->,lcnorm] (t3.south) -- (t4); \path (t5.south) to node [near start, xshift=1em] {$y$} (t6); \draw [*->,lcfree] (t5.south) -- (t6); \path (t6.south) to node [near start, xshift=1em] {$y$} (t7); \draw [*->,lcfree] (t6.south) -- (t7); % ------------------------------------------------- % Now the straight east-west connections. To provide consistent % positioning of the test exit annotations, we have positioned % coordinates for the vertical part of the connectors. The annotation % text is positioned on a path to the coordinate, and then the whole % connector is drawn to its destination box. \path (t3.east) to node [near start, yshift=1em] {$n$} (c3); \draw [o->,lccong] (t3.east) -- (p8); \path (t4.east) to node [yshift=-1em] {$k \leq 0$} (c4r); \draw [o->,lcnorm] (t4.east) -- (p9); % ------------------------------------------------- % Finally, the twisty connectors. Again, we place the annotation % first, then draw the connector \path (t1.east) to node [near start, yshift=1em] {$n$} (c1); \draw [o->,lcfree] (t1.east) -- (c1) |- (p4); \path (t2.east) -| node [very near start, yshift=1em] {$n$} (c1); \draw [o->,lcfree] (t2.east) -| (c1); \path (t4.west) to node [yshift=-1em] {$k>0$} (c4); \draw [*->,lcnorm] (t4.west) -- (c4) |- (p3); \path (t5.east) -| node [very near start, yshift=1em] {$n$} (c6); \draw [o->,lcfree] (t5.east) -| (c6); \path (t6.east) to node [near start, yshift=1em] {$n$} (c6); \draw [o->,lcfree] (t6.east) -| (c7); \path (t7.east) to node [yshift=-1em] {$k \leq 0$} (c7); \draw [o->,lcfree] (t7.east) -- (c7) |- (p9); \path (t7.west) to node [yshift=-1em] {$k>0$} (c5); \draw [*->,lcfree] (t7.west) -- (c5) |- (p5); % ------------------------------------------------- % A last flourish which breaks all the rules \draw [->,MediumPurple4, dotted, thick, shorten >=1mm] (p9.south) -- ++(5mm,-3mm) -- ++(27mm,0) |- node [black, near end, yshift=0.75em, it] {(When message + resources available)} (p0); % ------------------------------------------------- \end{tikzpicture} % ================================================= \end{document}
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