Diagrams from the Putting a diagrams in chains tutorial.
Thanks to Dr. Ludger Humbert for submitting a standalone version of the diagrams.

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% Example diagrams from the tutorial: Putting a Diagram in Chains % Source: The TikZ & PGF manual \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{% arrows,% shapes.misc,% wg. rounded rectangle shapes.arrows,% chains,% matrix,% positioning,% wg. " of " scopes,% decorations.pathmorphing,% /pgf/decoration/random steps | erste Graphik shadows% } \begin{document} \tikzset{ nonterminal/.style={ % The shape: rectangle, % The size: minimum size=6mm, % The border: very thick, draw=red!50!black!50, % 50% red and 50% black, % and that mixed with 50% white % The filling: top color=white, % a shading that is white at the top... bottom color=red!50!black!20, % and something else at the bottom % Font font=\itshape }, terminal/.style={ % The shape: rounded rectangle, minimum size=6mm, % The rest very thick,draw=black!50, top color=white,bottom color=black!20, font=\ttfamily}, skip loop/.style={to path={-- ++(0,#1) -| (\tikztotarget)}} } { \tikzset{terminal/.append style={text height=1.5ex,text depth=.25ex}} \tikzset{nonterminal/.append style={text height=1.5ex,text depth=.25ex}} } \begin{tikzpicture}[ >=latex,thick, /pgf/every decoration/.style={/tikz/sharp corners}, fuzzy/.style={decorate, decoration={random steps,segment length=0.5mm,amplitude=0.15pt}}, minimum size=6mm,line join=round,line cap=round, terminal/.style={rectangle,draw,fill=white,fuzzy,rounded corners=3mm}, nonterminal/.style={rectangle,draw,fill=white,fuzzy}, node distance=4mm ] \ttfamily \begin{scope}[start chain, every node/.style={on chain}, terminal/.append style={join=by {->,shorten >=-1pt, fuzzy,decoration={post length=4pt}}}, nonterminal/.append style={join=by {->,shorten >=-1pt, fuzzy,decoration={post length=4pt}}}, support/.style={coordinate,join=by fuzzy} ] \node [support] (start) {}; \node [nonterminal] {unsigned integer}; \node [support] (after ui) {}; \node [terminal] {.}; \node [support] (after dot) {}; \node [terminal] {digit}; \node [support] (after digit) {}; \node [support] (skip) {}; \node [support] (before E) {}; \node [terminal] {E}; \node [support] (after E) {}; \node [support,xshift=5mm] (between) {}; \node [support,xshift=5mm] (before last) {}; \node [nonterminal] {unsigned integer}; \node [support] (after last) {}; \node [coordinate,join=by ->] (end) {}; \end{scope} \node (plus) [terminal,above=of between] {+}; \node (minus) [terminal,below=of between] {-}; \begin{scope}[->,decoration={post length=4pt},rounded corners=2mm, every path/.style=fuzzy] \draw (after ui) -- +(0,.7) -| (skip); \draw (after digit) -- +(0,-.7) -| (after dot); \draw (before E) -- +(0,-1.2) -| (after last); \draw (after E) |- (plus); \draw (plus) -| (before last); \draw (after E) |- (minus); \draw (minus) -| (before last); \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} \begin{tikzpicture}[ point/.style={coordinate},>=stealth',thick,draw=black!50, tip/.style={->,shorten >=0.007pt},every join/.style={rounded corners}, hv path/.style={to path={-| (\tikztotarget)}}, vh path/.style={to path={|- (\tikztotarget)}}, text height=1.5ex,text depth=.25ex % align text horizontally ] \matrix[column sep=4mm] { % First row: & & & & & & & & & & & \node (plus) [terminal] {+};\\ % Second row: \node (p1) [point] {}; & \node (ui1) [nonterminal] {unsigned integer};& \node (p2) [point] {}; & \node (dot) [terminal] {.}; & \node (p3) [point] {}; & \node (digit) [terminal] {digit}; & \node (p4) [point] {}; & \node (p5) [point] {}; & \node (p6) [point] {}; & \node (e) [terminal] {E}; & \node (p7) [point] {}; & & \node (p8) [point] {}; & \node (ui2) [nonterminal] {unsigned integer};& \node (p9) [point] {}; & \node (p10) [point] {};\\ % Third row: & & & & & & & & & & & \node (minus)[terminal] {-};\\ }; { [start chain] \chainin (p1); \chainin (ui1) [join=by tip]; \chainin (p2) [join]; \chainin (dot) [join=by tip]; \chainin (p3) [join]; \chainin (digit) [join=by tip]; \chainin (p4) [join]; { [start branch=digit loop] \chainin (p3) [join=by {skip loop=-6mm,tip}]; } \chainin (p5) [join,join=with p2 by {skip loop=6mm,tip}]; \chainin (p6) [join]; \chainin (e) [join=by tip]; \chainin (p7) [join]; { [start branch=plus] \chainin (plus) [join=by {vh path,tip}]; \chainin (p8) [join=by {hv path,tip}]; } { [start branch=minus] \chainin (minus) [join=by {vh path,tip}]; \chainin (p8) [join=by {hv path,tip}]; } \chainin (p8) [join]; \chainin (ui2) [join=by tip]; \chainin (p9) [join,join=with p6 by {skip loop=-11mm,tip}]; \chainin (p10) [join=by tip]; } \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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