The title page of the PGF 2.00 manual.
Thanks to Ludger Humbert for submitting a standalone version of the titlepage.

Edit and compile if you like:
% isolated Frontpage of [Tantau 2008] % Mi 30. Apr 12:58:37 CEST 2008, lh % \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{% decorations.fractals% ,decorations.pathmorphing% ,shadows% } \begin{document} \parindent0pt \null \colorlet{mintgreen}{green!50!black!50} \thispagestyle{empty} \vskip3cm \vfill \hfil \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay] \coordinate (front) at (0,0); \coordinate (horizon) at (0,.31\paperheight); \coordinate (bottom) at (0,-.6\paperheight); \coordinate (sky) at (0,.57\paperheight); \coordinate (left) at (-.51\paperwidth,0); \coordinate (right) at (.51\paperwidth,0); \shade [bottom color=blue!30!black!10,top color=blue!30!black!50] ([yshift=-5mm]horizon -| left) rectangle (sky -| right); \shade [bottom color=black!70!green!25,top color=black!70!green!10] (front -| left) -- (horizon -| left) decorate [decoration=random steps] { -- (horizon -| right) } -- (front -| right) -- cycle; \shade [top color=black!70!green!25,bottom color=black!25] (front -| left) -- (horizon -| left) decorate [decoration=random steps] { -- (horizon -| right) } -- (front -| right) -- cycle; \shade [top color=black!70!green!25,bottom color=black!25] ([yshift=-5mm-1pt]front -| left) rectangle ([yshift=1pt]front -| right); \fill [black!25] (bottom -| left) rectangle ([yshift=-5mm]front -| right); \def\nodeshadowed[#1]#2;{\node[scale=2,above,#1]{#2};\node[scale=2, above,#1,yscale=-1,scope fading=south,opacity=0.4]{#2};} \nodeshadowed [at={(-5,5 )},yslant=0.05] {\Huge Ti\textcolor{orange}{\emph{k}}Z}; \nodeshadowed [at={( 0,5.3)}] {\huge \textcolor{mintgreen}{\&}}; \nodeshadowed [at={( 5,5 )},yslant=-0.05] {\Huge \textsc{PGF}}; \nodeshadowed [at={( 0,2 )}] {Manual for Version \pgftypesetversion}; \foreach \i in {0.5,0.6,...,2} \fill [white,decoration=Koch snowflake,opacity=.9] [shift=(horizon),shift={(rand*11,rnd*7)},scale=\i] [double copy shadow={opacity=0.2,shadow xshift=0pt,shadow yshift=3*\i pt,fill=white,draw=none}] decorate { decorate { decorate { (0,0) -- ++(60:1) -- ++(-60:1) -- cycle } } }; \end{tikzpicture} \vfill \end{document}
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