This is a block diagram of a third-order noise shaper, circuit located inside of a compact disc player.
Source: A fundamental introduction to the Compact Disc Player (1994), located in, page 17 by Grant M. Erickson

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% Title: Block diagram of Third order noise shaper in Compact Disc Players % Author: Ramón Jaramillo \documentclass[tikz,14pt,border=10pt]{standalone} \usepackage{textcomp} \usetikzlibrary{shapes,arrows} \begin{document} % Definition of blocks: \tikzset{% block/.style = {draw, thick, rectangle, minimum height = 3em, minimum width = 3em}, sum/.style = {draw, circle, node distance = 2cm}, % Adder input/.style = {coordinate}, % Input output/.style = {coordinate} % Output } % Defining string as labels of certain blocks. \newcommand{\suma}{\Large$+$} \newcommand{\inte}{$\displaystyle \int$} \newcommand{\derv}{\huge$\frac{d}{dt}$} \begin{tikzpicture}[auto, thick, node distance=2cm, >=triangle 45] \draw % Drawing the blocks of first filter : node at (0,0)[right=-3mm]{\Large \textopenbullet} node [input, name=input1] {} node [sum, right of=input1] (suma1) {\suma} node [block, right of=suma1] (inte1) {\inte} node at (6.8,0)[block] (Q1) {\Large $Q_1$} node [block, below of=inte1] (ret1) {\Large$T_1$}; % Joining blocks. % Commands \draw with options like [->] must be written individually \draw[->](input1) -- node {$X(Z)$}(suma1); \draw[->](suma1) -- node {} (inte1); \draw[->](inte1) -- node {} (Q1); \draw[->](ret1) -| node[near end]{} (suma1); % Adder \draw node at (5.4,-4) [sum, name=suma2] {\suma} % Second stage of filter node at (1,-6) [sum, name=suma3] {\suma} node [block, right of=suma3] (inte2) {\inte} node [sum, right of=inte2] (suma4) {\suma} node [block, right of=suma4] (inte3) {\inte} node [block, right of=inte3] (Q2) {\Large$Q_2$} node at (9,-8) [block, name=ret2] {\Large$T_2$} ; % Joining the blocks of second filter \draw[->] (suma3) -- node {} (inte2); \draw[->] (inte2) -- node {} (suma4); \draw[->] (suma4) -- node {} (inte3); \draw[->] (inte3) -- node {} (Q2); \draw[->] (ret2) -| (suma3); \draw[->] (ret2) -| (suma4); % Third stage of filter: % Defining nodes: \draw node at (11.5, 0) [sum, name=suma5]{\suma} node [output, right of=suma5]{} node [block, below of=suma5] (deriv1){\derv} node [output, right of=suma5] (sal2){} ; % Joining the blocks: \draw[->] (suma2) -| node {}(suma3); \draw[->] (Q1) -- (8,0) |- node {}(ret1); \draw[->] (8,0) |- (suma2); \draw[->] (5.4,0) -- (suma2); \draw[->] (Q1) -- node {}(suma5); \draw[->] (deriv1) -- node {}(suma5); \draw[->] (Q2) -| node {}(deriv1); \draw[<->] (ret2) -| node {}(deriv1); \draw[->] (suma5) -- node {$Y(Z)$}(sal2); % Drawing nodes with \textbullet \draw node at (8,0) {\textbullet} node at (8,-2){\textbullet} node at (5.4,0){\textbullet} node at (5,-8){\textbullet} node at (11.5,-6){\textbullet} ; % Boxing and labelling noise shapers \draw [color=gray,thick](-0.5,-3) rectangle (9,1); \node at (-0.5,1) [above=5mm, right=0mm] {\textsc{first-order noise shaper}}; \draw [color=gray,thick](-0.5,-9) rectangle (12.5,-5); \node at (-0.5,-9) [below=5mm, right=0mm] {\textsc{second-order noise shaper}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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