Replicating triangles, using the 'calc' tikz library.
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% Author : Hugues Vermeiren % Replicating triangles \documentclass[border=10pt]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{calc} \newcommand{\construct}[3]{ \foreach \n in {1,...,\nmax} { \coordinate (#3) at ($(#2)!0.5!(#3)$); \coordinate (D) at (#2); \coordinate (#2) at ($(#2)!1.0!{-60}:(#3)$); \coordinate (#1) at (D); \fill [blue!10] (#1) -- (#2) -- (#3) -- cycle; \draw (#3) -- (#2) -- (#1); } } \newcommand{\basetriangle}{% equilateral triangle with side 1 \def\h{0.866025}% sqrt(3)/2 \coordinate (X) at (-1/2,{-1/3*\h}); \coordinate (Y) at (1/2,{-1/3*\h}); \coordinate (Z) at (0,{2/3*\h}); \fill[blue!10, draw=black] (X) -- (Y) -- (Z) -- cycle; } \def\nmax{8}% nb. of triangles on each branch \newcommand{\Triangle}[1]{% \foreach \coord/\point in {#1} { \coordinate (\coord) at (\point);} \construct{A}{B}{C} } \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=7.0] \basetriangle \Triangle{A/X,B/Y,C/Z} \Triangle{C/X,A/Y,B/Z} \Triangle{B/X,C/Y,A/Z} \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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