In graph theory, models and drawings often consists mostly of vertices, edges, and labels. So, it may be possible, to use a simpler language for generating a diagram of a graph.
The tkz-graph package offers a convenient interface.
The code is fully explained in the LaTeX Cookbook, Chapter 11, Science and Technology, Application in graph theory.
Do you have a question regarding this example, TikZ or LaTeX in general? Just ask in the
LaTeX Forum.
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En français:
% Drawing a graph
% Author: Stefan Kottwitz
\GraphInit[vstyle = Shade]
LabelStyle/.style = { rectangle, rounded corners, draw,
minimum width = 2em, fill = yellow!50,
text = red, font = \bfseries },
VertexStyle/.append style = { inner sep=5pt,
font = \Large\bfseries},
EdgeStyle/.append style = {->, bend left} }
\Edge[label = 1](A)(B)
\Edge[label = 2](B)(C)
\Edge[label = 3](C)(B)
\Edge[label = 4](B)(A)
\Loop[dist = 4cm, dir = NO, label = 5](A.west)
\Loop[dist = 4cm, dir = SO, label = 6](C.east)
\tikzset{EdgeStyle/.append style = {bend left = 50}}
\Edge[label = 7](A)(C)
\Edge[label = 8](C)(A)
One of the best examples that beginners can use to create graphs without spending hours trying to figure out how to make something. Very clean! Thank you!
Brilliant example. Which version of pgf-tikz does it need?
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