An example of the folding library and the calendar library, straight from the manual.
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En français:
% Folding + calendar example from the PGF manual.
% Author: Till Tantau
\begin{tikzpicture}[transform shape,
every calendar/.style={
week list,
month label above centered,
month text=\bfseries\textcolor{red}{\%mt} \%y0,
if={(Sunday) [black!50]}
folding line length=2.5cm,
face 1={ \calendar [dates=\the\year-01-01 to \the\year-01-last];},
face 2={ \calendar [dates=\the\year-02-01 to \the\year-02-last];},
face 3={ \calendar [dates=\the\year-03-01 to \the\year-03-last];},
face 4={ \calendar [dates=\the\year-04-01 to \the\year-04-last];},
face 5={ \calendar [dates=\the\year-05-01 to \the\year-05-last];},
face 6={ \calendar [dates=\the\year-06-01 to \the\year-06-last];},
face 7={ \calendar [dates=\the\year-07-01 to \the\year-07-last];},
face 8={ \calendar [dates=\the\year-08-01 to \the\year-08-last];},
face 9={ \calendar [dates=\the\year-09-01 to \the\year-09-last];},
face 10={\calendar [dates=\the\year-10-01 to \the\year-10-last];},
face 11={\calendar [dates=\the\year-11-01 to \the\year-11-last];},
face 12={\calendar [dates=\the\year-12-01 to \the\year-12-last];}
Nice one .. extremely nice one!
it's perfect!!!
Need help
Error message: I can't find file pgflibrarytikzcalendar.code.tex
I installed the put the pgf directory to /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/
and also in /usr/share/texfm/tex/generic but it did not work.
I am using Fedora10 if it is important. Thank you
Really nice!
But is there any way of changing the language? I would like this with Norwegian names of the months.
Hi Hedinn
you can manually change month name by adding the option 'month text=\textcolor{red}{name}' in the command calendar for each face :
face 1={ \calendar [month text=\textcolor{red}{Januar}, dates=\the\year-01-01 to \the\year-01-last];}, face 2={ \calendar [month text=\textcolor{red}{Februar},dates=\the\year-02-01 to \the\year-02-last];},
Looks quite cool! I'm going to print one.
P.S. Thanks to Bastien. English is not the only language in the world.
You can also replace month names while keeping the original format:
face 1={ \calendar [month text=\bfseries\textcolor{red}{Enero} \%y0, dates=2011-01-01 to 2011-01-last];}, face 2={ \calendar [month text=\bfseries\textcolor{red}{Febrero} \%y0, dates=2011-02-01 to 2011-02-last];}, face 3={ \calendar [month text=\bfseries\textcolor{red}{Marzo} \%y0, dates=2011-03-01 to 2011-03-last];}, and so on...
Is possible to replace the original name of month with a localization based on this in your preamble:
\def\pgfcalendarmonthname#1{% \translate{\ifcase#1\or Enero\or Febrero\or Marzo\or Abril\or Mayo\or Junio\or Julio\or Agosto\or Septiembre\or Octubre\or Noviembre\or Diciembre\fi}% }
\def\pgfcalendarmonthshortname#1{% \translate{\ifcase#1\or Ene\or Feb\or Mar\or Abr\or May\or Jun\or Jul\or Ago\or Sep\or Oct\or Nov\or Dic\fi}% }
Exelente Carlos Andres, salio muy bien
Has anyone an idea who to get a background picture on each surface of the dodecahedron? it doesn't work with " \includegraphics" Thank you! Tom
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