The grid is drawn by hand and with some basic loops, such as concentric circles and labels in a foreach loop. The shaded area got opacity so we can see through.
This example was written by Alex Chan ( answering a question on TeX.SE (

Edit and compile if you like:
\documentclass[tikz]{standalone} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[>=latex] % Draw the lines at multiples of pi/12 \foreach \ang in {0,...,31} { \draw [lightgray] (0,0) -- (\ang * 180 / 16:4); } % Concentric circles and radius labels \foreach \s in {0, 1, 2, 3} { \draw [lightgray] (0,0) circle (\s + 0.5); \draw (0,0) circle (\s); \node [fill=white] at (\s, 0) [below] {\scriptsize $\s$}; } % Add the labels at multiples of pi/4 \foreach \ang/\lab/\dir in { 0/0/right, 1/{\pi/4}/{above right}, 2/{\pi/2}/above, 3/{3\pi/4}/{above left}, 4/{\pi}/left, 5/{5\pi/4}/{below left}, 7/{7\pi/4}/{below right}, 6/{3\pi/2}/below} { \draw (0,0) -- (\ang * 180 / 4:4.1); \node [fill=white] at (\ang * 180 / 4:4.2) [\dir] {\scriptsize $\lab$}; } % The double-lined circle around the whole diagram \draw [style=double] (0,0) circle (4); \fill [fill=red!50!black, opacity=0.5] plot [domain=-pi/2:pi/2] (xy polar cs:angle=\x r, radius= {2-2*sin(\x r)}); \draw [thick, color=red, domain=0:2*pi, samples=200, smooth] plot (xy polar cs:angle=\x r, radius={2-2*sin(\x r)}); \node [fill=white] at (2,1) {$r=2-2\sin\theta$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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