A collection of plots created with the TikZ-based tkz-plot2d package. Provides among other things, convenient macros for creating axes and grids.

Requires GNUPLOT. Documentation only available in French.


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% Demonstration of tkz-plot2d
% Author: Alain Matthes
% Note: Requires GNUPLOT


    \tkzfct[color=red](0.35..3){-3/(x*x) +4/(3*x-1)}
    \tkzfct[color=blue](0.35..3){-3/(x*x) +27/(4*(3*x-1))}
    \tkzfct[color=orange](0.35..3){-3/(x*x) +8/(3*x-1)}
    \tkzfct[color=green](0.35..3){-3/(x*x) +7/(3*x-1)}
    \node[draw,inner sep =10pt,fill=orange!30] at (2,-2)%
    \hspace{.5cm} avec%
    \ $\alpha \in%
    \tkzfct[label = false,%
    samples = 200,%
    lw = 1pt,
    color = red](-1..2)%
    \tkztxt[style = {draw},%
    color = red,%
    bkgcolor = orange!20](2,1)%
    \tkztxt[style    = draw,%
            color    = black,%
            bkgcolor = bistre!50]%
    {$f(x)=\dfrac{1}{90000}x^3 -\dfrac{1}{{100}}x^2 +\dfrac{113}{36}x$}


Click to download: tkz-plot2d.textkz-plot2d.pdf
Open in Overleaf: tkz-plot2d.tex