A given text is fitted to specified paths. This code automatically uses the shapepar package with TikZ.
The \shapeparnode macro uses six parameters:
The \shapeparnodeaccuracy can be locally redefined and gives the accuracy to compute the shape (default: 2 lines per em).
The code was written by Paul Gaborit and posted on TeX.SE. Slight modification for using english blind text.
Do you have a question regarding this example, TikZ or LaTeX in general? Just ask in the
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Oder frag auf Deutsch auf TeXwelt.de.
En français: TeXnique.fr.
% Fitting text to a shape
% Author: Paul Gaborit
% 6 parameters:
% style for node (default:empty),
% h margin, v margin, left path, right path, text (just one paragraph!)
% name left and right paths and compute there bounding boxes
\begin{scope}[local bounding box=leftbb]
\path[name path global=left, xshift=#2] #4;
\node[inner ysep=-#3, inner xsep=0pt, fit=(leftbb)](leftbb){};
\begin{scope}[local bounding box=rightbb]
\path[name path global=right, xshift=-#2] #5;
\node[inner ysep=-#3, inner xsep=0pt, fit=(rightbb)](rightbb){};
% global bounding box
\path let
\p1=(leftbb.north west), \p2=(leftbb.south west),
\p3=(rightbb.north east), \p4=(rightbb.south east)
\pgfmathsetmacro{\ymin}{(\y1 < \y3) ? \y1 : \y3}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\ymax}{(\y2 > \y4) ? \y2 : \y4}
\typeout{ymin \ymin}
\typeout{ymax \ymax}
} node[inner sep=0, fit={(\x1,\ymin pt)(\x3,\ymax pt)}](mybb){};
% compute nb steps
\path let \p1=(mybb.north), \p2=(mybb.south) in
\typeout{nb steps \nbsteps}
% horizontal references
\path (mybb.north) -- (mybb.south)
\foreach \cnt in {0, 1, ..., \nbsteps}{
coordinate[pos=\pos] (ref \cnt)
% left and right boundaries coordinates
\foreach \cnt in {0, 1, ..., \nbsteps}{
% an horizontal line from left to right
\path[name path=ltor]
(mybb.west |- ref \cnt) -- (mybb.east |- ref \cnt);
% same line from right to left
\path[name path=rtol]
(mybb.east |- ref \cnt) -- (mybb.west |- ref \cnt);
% left boundary
\path[name intersections={of=rtol and left, by={l \cnt}, sort by=rtol}];
% right boundary
\path[name intersections={of=ltor and right, by={r \cnt}, sort by=ltor}];
% start point (and initial value of boundshape)
\path let \p1=(l 0) in
% top and bottom
\path let \p1=(l 0), \p2=(l \nbsteps) in
% incremental definition of boundshape
\foreach \cnt in {0, 1, ..., \nbsteps}{
\path let \p1=(l \cnt), \p2=(r \cnt) in
\pgfmathsetmacro{\ypos}{\cnt/\nbsteps*(\ystart - \yending)}
{\let\\=\relax \xdef\boundshape{\boundshape\\{\ypos}t{\start}{\len}}}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\xmin}{(\xmin < \start) ? \xmin : \start}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\xmax}{(\xmax > \start + \len) ? \xmax : \start + \len}
% draw the node with text in a shapepar
\pgfmathsetmacro{\ymax}{\ystart - \yending}
{\let\\=\relax \xdef\boundshape{\boundshape\\{\ymax}e{0}}}
\node[#1, text width=\xmax pt - \xmin pt, align=flush left,
anchor=north west, inner sep=0]
at (mybb.north west -| \xmin pt, 0)
\begin{scope}[yshift=-22cm] % third example
arc (45:-45:\radius/2.415)
\fill[top color=lime, bottom color=orange, middle color=yellow, draw=white]
\pathone -- \pathtwo -- cycle;
\shapeparnode[text=black, font=\footnotesize]
%\draw[orange] \pathone;
%\draw[orange] \pathtwo;
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