An example for creating plots with foreach and pgfpointxy. It solves an equation for the parameters d from 1 to 6 an n from 1 to 9. There is still a bug in the formula which only strikes when \d > 5. Increasing the number \n from 9 to 10 runs MiKTeX out of memory.
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En français:
% Rose rhodonea curve
% Author: Manuel Kirsch
\documentclass [12pt]{scrartcl}
\author{Manuel Kirsch}
\draw (-1, 1) node{$_n\backslash^d$};
\foreach \d in {1, 2, ..., 6} {
\draw (2.5 * \d - 2, 1) node{\d};
\foreach \n in {1, 2, ..., 9} {
\draw (-1, -2.5 * \n + 2) node{\n};
\foreach \d in {1, 2, ..., 6} {
\fill[black!10!white] (2.5 * \d - 2, -2.5 * \n + 2) circle (1cm);
\draw (2.5 * \d - 2, -2.5 * \n + 2) circle (0.5cm);
\pgfplotfunction{\x}{0, \d, ..., 180\d}{
{2.5 * \d + cos(\x) * sin(\n / \d * \x) - 2}
{-2.5 * \n + sin(\x) * sin(\n / \d * \x) + 2}
\draw (7,-25.5) node [rounded rectangle, draw]
{$r = \sin\left(\frac{\Theta \cdot n}{d}\right)$};
Is this related in any way to spirograph-like curves? And if so, how can one recreate them in TikZ?
@azetina, see this TeX.SX question :
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