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%% Copyright 2009 Ivan Griffin % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. % % The Current Maintainer of this work is Ivan Griffin % % This work consists of the files tcp_state_machine.tex %Description %----------- %tcp_state_machine.tex - an example file illustrating the TCP (RFC 793) % state machine %Created 2009-11-20 by Ivan Griffin. Last updated: 2009-11-20 %------------------------------------------------------------- \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{calc,backgrounds} \usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview} \begin{document} \begin{preview} \begin{tikzpicture}[>=latex] % % Styles for states, and state edges % \tikzstyle{state} = [draw, very thick, fill=white, rectangle, minimum height=3em, minimum width=7em, node distance=8em, font={\sffamily\bfseries}] \tikzstyle{stateEdgePortion} = [black,thick]; \tikzstyle{stateEdge} = [stateEdgePortion,->]; \tikzstyle{edgeLabel} = [pos=0.5, text centered, font={\sffamily\small}]; % % Position States % \node[state, name=closedStart] {CLOSED}; \node[state, name=listen, below of=closedStart] {LISTEN}; \node[state, name=synSent, below of=listen, right of=listen, xshift=8em] {SYN\_SENT}; \node[state, name=synRcvd, below of=listen, left of=listen, xshift=-8em] {SYN\_RCVD}; \node[state, name=established, below of=listen, node distance=14em] {ESTABLISHED}; \node[state, name=finWait1, below of=established, left of=established, node distance=7em, xshift=-9em] {FIN\_WAIT\_1}; \node[state, name=finWait2, below of=finWait1] {FIN\_WAIT\_2}; \node[state, name=closeWait, below of=established, right of=established, node distance=7em, xshift=9em] {CLOSE\_WAIT}; \node[state, name=closing, below of=established, node distance=14em] {CLOSING}; \node[state, name=lastAck, below of=closeWait] {LAST\_ACK}; \node[state, name=timeWait, below of=closing] {TIME\_WAIT}; % % Connect States via edges % \draw ($(closedStart.south) + (-.5em,0)$) edge[stateEdge] node[edgeLabel, xshift=-3em]{\emph{Passive open}} ($(listen.north) + (-.5em,0)$); \draw ($(listen.north) + (.5em,0)$) edge[stateEdge] node[edgeLabel, xshift=2em]{\emph{Close}} ($(closedStart.south) + (.5em,0)$); \draw ($(listen.south) + (-1em,0)$) edge[stateEdge, bend left=22.5] node[edgeLabel, xshift=-2em, yshift=1em]{SYN/SYN + ACK} ($(synRcvd.east) + (0,1em)$); \draw ($(listen.south) + (1em,0)$) edge[stateEdge, bend right=22.5] node[edgeLabel, xshift=1em, yshift=1em]{\emph{Send}/SYN} ($(synSent.west) + (0,1em)$); \draw ($(synRcvd.north) + (.5em,0)$) edge[stateEdge, bend left=45] node[edgeLabel,xshift=-4em]{\emph{Timeout}/RST} ($(closedStart.west) + (0,-.5em)$); \draw ($(synSent.north) + (-.5em,0)$) edge[stateEdge, bend right=45] node[edgeLabel,xshift=-1em, yshift=-1em]{\emph{Close}} ($(closedStart.east) + (0,-.5em)$); \draw ($(closedStart.east) + (0,.5em)$) edge[stateEdge, bend left=45] node[edgeLabel,xshift=4em]{\emph{Active open}/SYN} ($(synSent.north) + (.5em,0)$); \draw (synSent.west) edge[stateEdge] node[edgeLabel, yshift=1em]{SYN/SYN + ACK} (synRcvd.east); \draw (synRcvd) edge[stateEdge] node[edgeLabel, xshift=-2.5em]{\emph{Close}/FIN} (finWait1); \draw ($(synRcvd.east) + (0,-1em)$) edge[stateEdge, bend left=22.5] node[edgeLabel, xshift=-1em, yshift=-1em]{ACK} ($(established.north) + (-1em,0)$); \draw ($(synSent.west) + (0,-1em)$) edge[stateEdge, bend right=22.5] node[edgeLabel, xshift=3em, yshift=-1em]{SYN + ACK/ACK} ($(established.north) + (1em,0)$); \draw ($(established.south) + (-1em,0)$) edge[stateEdge, bend left=22.5] node[edgeLabel, xshift=-1em, yshift=1em]{\emph{Close}/FIN} ($(finWait1.east) + (0,.5em)$); \draw ($(established.south) + (1em,0)$) edge[stateEdge, bend right=22.5] node[edgeLabel, xshift=1em, yshift=1em]{FIN/ACK} ($(closeWait.west) + (0,1em)$); \draw (finWait1.south) edge[stateEdge] node[edgeLabel, xshift=-2em]{ACK} (finWait2.north); \draw ($(finWait1.east) + (0,-.5em)$) edge[stateEdge, bend left=22.5] node[edgeLabel, yshift=1em]{ACK} (closing.north); \draw (finWait1.south east) edge[stateEdge] node[edgeLabel, xshift=1em, yshift=2em, text width=3em]{FIN + ACK/ACK} (timeWait.north west); \draw (finWait2.south) edge[stateEdge, bend right=22.5] node[edgeLabel, xshift=-2em, yshift=-1em]{FIN/ACK} (timeWait.west); \draw (closing) edge[stateEdge] node[edgeLabel, xshift=-2em]{ACK} (timeWait); \draw (closeWait) edge[stateEdge] node[edgeLabel,xshift=2.5em]{\emph{Close}/FIN} (lastAck); % % Connect lastAck to closed is slightly more complicated % no direct line-of-sight, so we need to take the scenic route % \coordinate (lastAck2ClosedA) at ($(lastAck.east) + (2em,0)$); \coordinate (lastAck2ClosedB) at ($(closedStart.north -| lastAck.east) + (2em,1em)$); \coordinate (lastAck2ClosedC) at ($(closedStart.north) + (0.5em,1em)$); \draw (lastAck.east) edge[stateEdgePortion] (lastAck2ClosedA); \draw (lastAck2ClosedA) edge[stateEdgePortion] node[edgeLabel,xshift=-1.5em, yshift=-4em]{ACK} (lastAck2ClosedB); \draw (lastAck2ClosedB) edge[stateEdgePortion] (lastAck2ClosedC); \draw (lastAck2ClosedC) edge[stateEdge] ($(closedStart.north) + (0.5em,0)$); % % likewise for timeWait to closed % \coordinate (timeWait2ClosedA) at ($(timeWait.south) + (0,-1em)$); \coordinate (timeWait2ClosedB) at ($(timeWait.south -| finWait2.west) + (-2em,-1em)$); \coordinate (timeWait2ClosedC) at ($(closedStart.north -| finWait2.west) + (-2em,1em)$); \coordinate (timeWait2ClosedD) at ($(closedStart.north) + (-0.5em,1em)$); \draw (timeWait.south) edge[stateEdgePortion] (timeWait2ClosedA); \draw (timeWait2ClosedA) edge[stateEdgePortion] (timeWait2ClosedB); \draw (timeWait2ClosedB) edge[stateEdgePortion] (timeWait2ClosedC); \draw (timeWait2ClosedC) edge[stateEdgePortion] node[edgeLabel, text width=12.25em, yshift=1.5em]{\emph{Timeout after two maximum segment lifetimes (2*MSL)}} (timeWait2ClosedD); \draw (timeWait2ClosedD) edge[stateEdge] ($(closedStart.north) + (-0.5em,0)$); % draw dotted lines around passive and active closes \begin{pgfonlayer}{background} \draw [join=round,black,dotted] ($(closeWait.north west) + (-1em, -1em)$) rectangle ($(lastAck.south east) + (1em, 1em)$); \draw [join=round,black,dotted] ($(finWait1.north west) + (-1em, -1em)$) rectangle ($(timeWait.south east) + (1em, 1em)$); \end{pgfonlayer} \end{tikzpicture} \end{preview} \end{document}
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