The construction of points on the perpendicular bissector of [AB]. It is achieved in an artisanal way, the purpose being to show how to achieve computations with pgf. A much simpler construction can certainly be done with other pgf commands but the idea here is to emphasize the analytical process.

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% Perpendicular bissector % Author: Hugues Vermeiren \documentclass{minimal} \usepackage{tikz,xifthen} \usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview} \PreviewEnvironment{tikzpicture} \setlength\PreviewBorder{5pt}% \begin{document} \newcounter{index} \setcounter{index}{0} \begin{tikzpicture}[ scale=1.0, MyPoints/.style={draw=blue,fill=white,thick}, Segments/.style={draw=blue!50!red!70,thick}, MyCircles/.style={green!50!blue!50,thin} ] % Warning : all this is an artisanal way of computing points % on the perpendicular bissector of [AB] % It could very well be achieved with more powerfull tools... % (package tkz-2d, for example) \clip (-2.5,-2.5) rectangle (7,7.5); \draw[color=gray,step=1.0,dotted] (-2.1,-2.1) grid (6.1,7.1); \draw[->] (-2,0)--(6.5,0) node[right]{$x$}; \draw[->] (0,-2)--(0,7) node[above]{$y$}; % Feel free to change here coordinates of points A and B \pgfmathparse{-sqrt(2)} \let\Xa\pgfmathresult \pgfmathparse{2} \let\Ya\pgfmathresult \coordinate (A) at (\Xa,\Ya); \pgfmathparse{5} \let\Xb\pgfmathresult \pgfmathparse{13/3} \let\Yb\pgfmathresult \coordinate (B) at (\Xb,\Yb); % Let I be the midpoint of [AB] \pgfmathparse{(\Xb+\Xa)/2} \let\XI\pgfmathresult \pgfmathparse{(\Yb+\Ya)/2} \let\YI\pgfmathresult \coordinate (I) at (\XI,\YI); \draw[red,thick] (A)--(B); % deltaX and deltaY are coordinates of vector AB \pgfmathparse{\Yb-\Ya} \let\deltaY\pgfmathresult \pgfmathparse{\Xb-\Xa} \let\deltaX\pgfmathresult % NormeddeltaX and NormeddeltaY are the normalized values of these coordinates \pgfmathparse{sqrt(\deltaX*\deltaX+\deltaY*\deltaY)} \let\r\pgfmathresult \pgfmathparse{\deltaX/\r} \let\NormeddeltaX\pgfmathresult \pgfmathparse{\deltaY/\r} \let\NormeddeltaY\pgfmathresult % R is a point on the perpendicular bissector of [AB], % far away from the midpoint... \pgfmathparse{\YI-10.0*\NormeddeltaX} \let\YR\pgfmathresult \pgfmathparse{\XI+10.0*\NormeddeltaY} \let\XR\pgfmathresult % S is the image of R by the symmetry of axis AB \pgfmathparse{2*\YI-\YR} \let\YS\pgfmathresult \pgfmathparse{2*\XI-\XR} \let\XS\pgfmathresult \coordinate (R) at (\XR,\YR); \coordinate (S) at (\XS,\YS); \draw (R)--(S); \foreach \i in {-3,-2,...,5}{ \ifthenelse{\equal{\i}{0}}% Do not redraw the segment [AB] {}% {% \stepcounter{index} % P(i) is a variable point on the perpendicular bissector. % The distance between P(i) and P(i+1) is equal to 1 \pgfmathparse{\YI-\i*\NormeddeltaX} \let\YP\pgfmathresult \pgfmathparse{\XI+\i*\NormeddeltaY} \let\XP\pgfmathresult \coordinate (P) at (\XP,\YP); \pgfmathparse{sqrt((\XP-\Xa)*(\XP-\Xa)+(\YP-\Ya)*(\YP-\Ya))} \let\radius\pgfmathresult \draw[MyCircles] (P) circle ({\radius}); \draw[Segments] (P)--(A); \draw[Segments] (P)--(B); \fill[MyPoints] (P) circle (0.8mm) node[right]{$P_{\theindex}$}; }% }; \fill[MyPoints] (A) circle (0.8mm) node[left]{$A$}; \fill[MyPoints] (B) circle (0.8mm) node[right]{$B$}; \fill[MyPoints] (I) circle (0.8mm) node[right]{$I$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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