Demonstration of chords.sty, a library for generating guitar chord diagrams.
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% Guitar chords % Author: Christoph % Source: % \documentclass{article} \usepackage{subfig} \usepackage{tikz} %% Code from chords.sty % Counters \newcounter{chords-string} \newcounter{chords-fret} % Variables \newcommand{\chordreset}{ \def\chordtuning{E,A,D,G,B,E} \def\chordfretstart{1} \def\chordfretend{4} } \chordreset % The chord environmant % \begin{chord} % \begin{chord}[D,G,D,G,H,E] \newenvironment{chord} { % A single note % \single\newcommand{\single}[3]{ \draw node[single] at (##1,##2) {##3}; } % A bar % \bar \renewcommand{\bar}[3]{ \draw[bar] (##1,##2) -- node[midway] {##3} (1,##2); } % No strike % \nostrike \newcommand{\nostrike}[1]{ \draw[nostrike] (##1,\chordfretstart-.5) +(-135:.2cm) -- +(45:.2cm); \draw[nostrike] (##1,\chordfretstart-.5) +(135:.2cm) -- +(-45:.2cm); } \begin{tikzpicture}[ single/.style={draw,circle,fill=white}, bar/.style={cap=round,double,double distance=18pt}, nostrike/.style={line width=.8mm}, cm={0,-0.8,1,0,(0,0)} ] \setcounter{chords-string}{6} \foreach \tuning in \chordtuning { \node at (\value{chords-string},\chordfretstart-1) {\tuning}; \addtocounter{chords-string}{-1} } \draw[yshift=-0.5cm] (1,\chordfretstart) grid (6,\chordfretend+1); \foreach \fret in {\chordfretstart,...,\chordfretend} { \setcounter{chords-fret}\fret \draw node at (0,\fret) {\Roman{chords-fret}}; } } { \end{tikzpicture} } %% End of chords.sty file \begin{document} \begin{figure} \subfloat[F major]{ \begin{chord} \bar 6 1 1 % bar from 6th string down with index finger on 1st fret \single 5 3 3 % ringfinger on 5th string 3rd fret \single 4 3 4 % pinky on 4th string 3rd fret \single 3 2 2 % index on 3rd string 2nd fret \end{chord} \chordreset} % \subfloat[D major bared]{ \def\chordfretstart{5} % start diagram at 5th fret \def\chordfretend{8} % end diagram at 8th fret \begin{chord} \bar 5 5 1 \single 2 7 4 \single 3 7 3 \single 4 7 2 \nostrike 6 % do not strike 6th string \end{chord} \chordreset} \end{figure} \end{document}
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