A diagram depicting time course of events in an experiment. Every frame represents a screen presented to a participant. This kind of diagram is mostly used in (cognitive) psychology and neuroscience.

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% Time course of events in an experiment % Author: Rudolf Siegel \documentclass[tikz,border=10pt]{standalone} \usetikzlibrary{positioning} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \tikzset{ basefont/.style = {font = \Large\sffamily}, timing/.style = {basefont, sloped,above,}, label/.style = {basefont, align = left}, screen/.style = {basefont, white, align = center, minimum size = 6cm, fill = black!60, draw = white}}; % macro for defining screens \newcommand*{\screen}[4]{% \begin{scope}[xshift =#3, yshift = #4, every node/.append style = {yslant = 0.33}, yslant = 0.33, local bounding box = #1] \node[screen] at (3cm,3cm) {#2}; \end{scope} } % define several screens \screen{frame1}{\textbf+} {0} {0} \screen{frame2}{stimuli 1}{150} {-60} \screen{frame3}{} {300}{-120} \screen{frame4}{stimuli 2}{450}{-180} \screen{frame5}{recording}{600}{-240} \coordinate [xshift=750,yshift=-300] (frame6); % add annotations \foreach \i / \content in { 1/fixation cross, 2/picture, 3/blank screen, 4/word, 5/recording\\(depending on response) } \node[label, above right=5em and 1em of frame\i.east] (f\i-label) {\content}; % add time course \foreach \j [count=\i] / \content in { 2/800\,ms, 3/2000\,ms, 4/500-2000\,ms, 5/2000\,ms, 6/till response } \path[ultra thick] (frame\i.south west) edge node[timing] {\content} (frame\j.south west); % some manual addition \path[ultra thick,->] (frame5.south west) edge node[timing, below] {next trial} (frame6); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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