UML sequence diagrams

Demonstration of pgf-umlsd.sty, a set of convenient macros for drawing UML sequence diagrams.

To compile the example you will need the following style file:

The macros are documented in the style file.

Update: pgf-umlsd is now hosted at Google code.


Edit and compile if you like:

% Demonstration of pgf-umlsd.sty, a set of convenient macros for drawing
% UML sequence diagrams. Written by Xu Yuan  from
% Southeast University, China.
% The project is hosted at Google code: 

\usepgflibrary{arrows} % for pgf-umlsd




    \begin{sdloop}{Run Loop}

  \caption{UML sequence diagram demo.}



    \begin{sdloop}[green!20]{Run Loop}


  \caption{Example of a sequence with parallel activities.}


Click to download: pgf-umlsd.texpgf-umlsd.pdf
Open in Overleaf: pgf-umlsd.tex