An example of tikz and listings jointly used

This example illustrates the joint use of tikz and listings packages. It represents the anatomy of a C function. Compile twice for correct positioning.


Edit and compile if you like:

% Author: Valeria Borodin
\documentclass[border={35pt 10pt 150pt 60pt}, % left bottom right top
frame = tb, % draw frame at top and bottom of code block
tabsize = 1, % tab space width
numbers = left, % display line numbers on the left
framesep = 3pt, % expand outward
framerule = 0.4pt, % expand outward
commentstyle = \color{Green}, % comment color
keywordstyle = \color{blue}, % keyword color
stringstyle = \color{DarkRed}, % string color
backgroundcolor = \color{WhiteSmoke}, % backgroundcolor color
showstringspaces = false, % do not mark spaces in strings
\begin{lstlisting}[language = C++, numbers = none, escapechar = !,
basicstyle = \ttfamily\bfseries, linewidth = .6\linewidth]
\tikz[remember picture] \node [] (a) {};
\tikz[remember picture] \node [] (b) {};
!(int x,!
\tikz[remember picture] \node [] (c){};
!int n) {
int i, p = 1; !\tikz[remember picture] \node [] (d){};!
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
p = p * x; !\tikz[remember picture] \node [inner xsep = 40pt] (e){};!
return p; !
\tikz[remember picture] \node [] (f){};!
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay,
every edge/.append style = { ->, thick, >=stealth,
DimGray, dashed, line width = 1pt },

Click to download: tikz-listings.textikz-listings.pdf
Open in Overleaf: tikz-listings.tex