This example make use of the circuitikz and siunitx packages for drawing a 18W MOSFET Amplifier for one-channel. You need to have those packages installed for compiling.

Edit and compile if you like:
% 18W MOSFET amplifier, with npn transistor. % Author: Ramón Jaramillo. \documentclass[margin=10pt]{standalone} \usepackage[siunitx]{circuitikz} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2] \draw[color=black, thick] (0,0) to [short,o-] (6,0){} % Baseline for connection to ground % Input and ground (0,1) node[]{\large{\textbf{INPUT}}} % Connection of passive components (5,0) node[ground]{} node[circ](4.5,0){} (0,2) to [pC, l=$C_1$, o-] (0.5,2) to [R,l=$R_1$,](1.5,2) to node[short]{}(2.6,2) (1.5,2) to [C, l=$C_2$, *-] (1.5,3) -| (5,3) (2.2,2) to [R, l=$R_2$, *-*] (2.2,3) (2.2,3) to [pC, l=$C_3$, *-] (2.2,5) -| (3,5) % Transistor Bipolar Q1 (3,0) to [R,l=$R_5$,-*] (3,1.5) to [Tnpn,n=npn1] (3,2.5) (npn1.E) node[right=3mm, above=5mm]{$Q_1$} % Labelling the NPN transistor (4,0) to [pC, l_=$C_4$, *-] (4, 1.5)--(3,1.5) (2.2,0) to [vR, l=$R_3$, *-*] (2.2,2) (3,2.5) to node[short]{}(3,3) (3,5) to [pR, n=pot1, l_=$R_4$, *-] (3,3) (3,5) to [R, l=$R_6$, *-] (5,5) to [short,*-o](5,5.5) node[right]{$V_S=40 V$} % Mosfet Transistors (5,3) to [Tnigfetd,n=mos1] (5,5) (mos1.B) node[anchor=west]{$Q_2$} % Labelling MOSFET Q2 Transistor (pot1.wiper) to [R, l=$R_7$] (4.5,4) -| (mos1.G) (5,1.5) to [Tpigfetd,n=mos2] (5,2.5) (5,0) to (mos2.S) (3,2.5) to [R, l=$R_8$, *-] (4.5,2.5) -| (mos2.G) (mos2.B) node[anchor=west]{$Q_3$} % Labelling MOSFET Q3 Transistor % Output (6,3) to [pC, l=$C_5$,-*](5,3) (6,3) to [short,-o] (6,2){} (mos1.S)--(mos2.D) (6,0) to [short,-o] (6,1){} node[above=7mm]{\large{\textbf{SPEAKER}}} ; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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