A diagram of the cognitive motivation model of Heckhausen and Rheinberg. I made it as an answer to a question at http://golatex.de/schaubild-mit-tikz-t16597.html
- styles are used
- styles base on other styles (inheritance)
- foreach-loops for repeating things
- a matrix is used for easy rectangular positioning
Edit and compile if you like:
% Motivation model diagram Heckhausen and Rheinberg % Author: Stefan Kottwitz \documentclass[tikz,border=10pt]{standalone} \usetikzlibrary{matrix,arrows.meta} \tikzset{ centered/.style = { align=center, anchor=center }, empty/.style = { font=\sffamily\Large, centered, text width=2cm }, box/.style = { font=\sffamily, fill=green, centered }, result/.style = { font=\sffamily\scriptsize, fill=black!20, centered}, arrow/.style = { very thick, color=red, ->, >=Triangle}, } \newcommand*{\nothing}{Do nothing} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \matrix (m) [ matrix of nodes, column sep = 3em, row sep = 5ex, column 1/.style = { nodes = { empty } }, column 2/.style = { nodes = { box } }, column 3/.style = { nodes = { result } }, ] { S-R-R & Determined? & \nothing \\ A-R-R & Influence? & \nothing \\ Value & Importance? & \nothing \\ S-R-R & Conseqence? & \nothing \\ }; \foreach \i/\j in {1/2,2/3,3/4} { \draw [arrow] (m-\i-2) -- (m-\j-2); \draw [arrow] (m-\i-2) -- (m-\i-3); } \draw [arrow] (m-4-2) -- (m-4-3); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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