The 'Framed' package implements not only environments to add a frame/shade to any paragraph, allowing page breaks in the contents. It also provides mechanisms for designing your own frames.
In this example, I show how tikz can be combined with framed to draw arbitrary shapes around framed paragraphs, even with different style for the borders which happen at page boundaries.
In this case, a 'parchment' environment is created which adds a shadow to the paragraph, whose borders are not straigh, but slightly random, simulating the irregular edges of a parchment. If the paragraph is broken across pages, the 'broken' edge is slightly more random and pale, as if the paper was torn.

Edit and compile if you like:
% Nice shaded/framed paragraphs using tikz and framed % Author: Jose Luis Diaz \documentclass[a5paper]{article} \usepackage{lipsum} % To generate test text \usepackage{framed} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage[margin=1cm]{geometry}% for screen preview \usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathmorphing,calc} \pgfmathsetseed{1} % To have predictable results % Define a background layer, in which the parchment shape is drawn \pgfdeclarelayer{background} \pgfsetlayers{background,main} % define styles for the normal border and the torn border \tikzset{ normal border/.style={orange!30!black!10, decorate, decoration={random steps, segment length=2.5cm, amplitude=.7mm}}, torn border/.style={orange!30!black!5, decorate, decoration={random steps, segment length=.5cm, amplitude=1.7mm}}} % Macro to draw the shape behind the text, when it fits completly in the % page \def\parchmentframe#1{ \tikz{ \node[inner sep=2em] (A) {#1}; % Draw the text of the node \begin{pgfonlayer}{background} % Draw the shape behind \fill[normal border] (A.south east) -- (A.south west) -- (A.north west) -- (A.north east) -- cycle; \end{pgfonlayer}}} % Macro to draw the shape, when the text will continue in next page \def\parchmentframetop#1{ \tikz{ \node[inner sep=2em] (A) {#1}; % Draw the text of the node \begin{pgfonlayer}{background} \fill[normal border] % Draw the ``complete shape'' behind (A.south east) -- (A.south west) -- (A.north west) -- (A.north east) -- cycle; \fill[torn border] % Add the torn lower border ($(A.south east)-(0,.2)$) -- ($(A.south west)-(0,.2)$) -- ($(A.south west)+(0,.2)$) -- ($(A.south east)+(0,.2)$) -- cycle; \end{pgfonlayer}}} % Macro to draw the shape, when the text continues from previous page \def\parchmentframebottom#1{ \tikz{ \node[inner sep=2em] (A) {#1}; % Draw the text of the node \begin{pgfonlayer}{background} \fill[normal border] % Draw the ``complete shape'' behind (A.south east) -- (A.south west) -- (A.north west) -- (A.north east) -- cycle; \fill[torn border] % Add the torn upper border ($(A.north east)-(0,.2)$) -- ($(A.north west)-(0,.2)$) -- ($(A.north west)+(0,.2)$) -- ($(A.north east)+(0,.2)$) -- cycle; \end{pgfonlayer}}} % Macro to draw the shape, when both the text continues from previous page % and it will continue in next page \def\parchmentframemiddle#1{ \tikz{ \node[inner sep=2em] (A) {#1}; % Draw the text of the node \begin{pgfonlayer}{background} \fill[normal border] % Draw the ``complete shape'' behind (A.south east) -- (A.south west) -- (A.north west) -- (A.north east) -- cycle; \fill[torn border] % Add the torn lower border ($(A.south east)-(0,.2)$) -- ($(A.south west)-(0,.2)$) -- ($(A.south west)+(0,.2)$) -- ($(A.south east)+(0,.2)$) -- cycle; \fill[torn border] % Add the torn upper border ($(A.north east)-(0,.2)$) -- ($(A.north west)-(0,.2)$) -- ($(A.north west)+(0,.2)$) -- ($(A.north east)+(0,.2)$) -- cycle; \end{pgfonlayer}}} % Define the environment which puts the frame % In this case, the environment also accepts an argument with an optional % title (which defaults to ``Example'', which is typeset in a box overlaid % on the top border \newenvironment{parchment}[1][Example]{% \def\FrameCommand{\parchmentframe}% \def\FirstFrameCommand{\parchmentframetop}% \def\LastFrameCommand{\parchmentframebottom}% \def\MidFrameCommand{\parchmentframemiddle}% \vskip\baselineskip \MakeFramed {\FrameRestore} \noindent\tikz\node[inner sep=1ex, draw=black!20,fill=white, anchor=west, overlay] at (0em, 2em) {\sffamily#1};\par}% {\endMakeFramed} % Main document, example of usage \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \begin{parchment}[Short text] \lipsum[11] \end{parchment} \lipsum[11] \begin{parchment}[Long text spanning over pages] \lipsum[11] \begin{itemize} \item \lipsum[14] \end{itemize} \lipsum \end{parchment} \end{document}
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