A simple graph-model in 3D with a helping grid but not with a rotation of 45 degrees to avoid overlapping edges. The graph lines are drawn with a white background to visualize the ones closer to the viewer and hence improve the 3D-view. Code duplication is reduced.

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% Author: Andreas Menge \documentclass[10pt]{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview} \PreviewEnvironment{tikzpicture} \setlength\PreviewBorder{5pt}% %transforms all coordinates the same way when used (use it within a scope!) %(rotation is not 45 degress to avoid overlapping edges) % Input: point of origins x and y coordinate \newcommand{\myGlobalTransformation}[2] { \pgftransformcm{1}{0}{0.4}{0.5}{\pgfpoint{#1cm}{#2cm}} } % draw a 4x4 helper grid in 3D % Input: point of origins x and y coordinate and additional drawing-parameters \newcommand{\gridThreeD}[3] { \begin{scope} \myGlobalTransformation{#1}{#2}; \draw [#3,step=2cm] grid (8,8); \end{scope} } \tikzstyle myBG=[line width=3pt,opacity=1.0] % draws lines with white background to show which lines are closer to the % viewer (Hint: draw from bottom up and from back to front) %Input: start and end point \newcommand{\drawLinewithBG}[2] { \draw[white,myBG] (#1) -- (#2); \draw[black,very thick] (#1) -- (#2); } % draws all horizontal graph lines within grid \newcommand{\graphLinesHorizontal} { \drawLinewithBG{1,1}{7,1}; \drawLinewithBG{1,3}{7,3}; \drawLinewithBG{1,5}{7,5}; \drawLinewithBG{1,7}{7,7}; } % draws all vertical graph lines within grid \newcommand{\graphLinesVertical} { %swaps x and y coordinate (hence vertical lines): \pgftransformcm{0}{1}{1}{0}{\pgfpoint{0cm}{0cm}} \graphLinesHorizontal; } %draws nodes of the grid %Input: point of origins x and y coordinate \newcommand{\graphThreeDnodes}[2] { \begin{scope} \myGlobalTransformation{#1}{#2}; \foreach \x in {1,3,5,7} { \foreach \y in {1,3,5,7} { \node at (\x,\y) [circle,fill=black] {}; %this way circle of nodes will not be transformed } } \end{scope} } \begin{document} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{tikzpicture} %draws helper-grid: \gridThreeD{0}{0}{black!50}; \gridThreeD{0}{4.25}{black!50}; %draws lower graph lines and those in z-direction: \begin{scope} \myGlobalTransformation{0}{0}; \graphLinesHorizontal; %draws all graph lines in z-direction (reset transformation first!): \foreach \x in {1,3,5,7} { \foreach \y in {1,3,5,7} { \node (thisNode) at (\x,\y) {}; { \pgftransformreset \draw[white,myBG] (thisNode) -- ++(0,4.25); \draw[black,very thick] (thisNode) -- ++(0,4.25); } } } \end{scope} %draws upper graph-lines: \begin{scope} \myGlobalTransformation{0}{4.25}; \graphLinesVertical; \end{scope} % draws all graph nodes: \graphThreeDnodes{0}{0}; \graphThreeDnodes{0}{4.25}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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