This is a drawing of Totoro, the star of the Japanese animated fantasy film "My Neighbor Totoro".
The Koch snowflake fractal has been used to draw snow, repetitive tasks are done in "foreach" loops.

Edit and compile if you like:
% Totoro sitting in the snow % By Noa Hoffmann and Pascal Günthner, 21.12.2020 \documentclass[tikz,11pt]{{standalone}} \usepackage{calligra} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usetikzlibrary{% shapes, shadows, patterns, calc, decorations.shapes, decorations.fractals, decorations.markings, decorations.pathmorphing } \colorlet{bodycolor}{black!35!gray!60!brown!98!green} \colorlet{bellycolor}{yellow!70!white!92!green} \tikzset{ furspot/.pic = { \path [draw = black, thick, fill] (0,0) .. controls +(0.3,0) and +(0.25,-0.05) .. ++(0.35,-.45) .. controls +(-0.45,0.25) and +(0.1,0) .. ++(-0.85,-0.05) .. controls +(-0.3,0.1) and +(-0.4, 0) .. cycle; }, claw/.pic = { \path [fill = bodycolor!70, draw] (0,0) arc (0:45:0.2 and 0.8) arc (135:180:0.2 and 0.8) arc (180:360:0.059) -- cycle; }, whiskers/.pic = { \path [fill = bodycolor!70,draw] (0,0) arc (0:45:0.05 and 2.3) arc (135:180:0.3 and 2.3) to[out=-90,in=-90] cycle; }, snowflake/.pic = { \fill [decoration = Koch snowflake, white] decorate{ decorate{ decorate{ (-0.5,-0.3) -- ++(60:1) -- ++(-60:1) -- cycle }}}; \foreach \i in {30, 90, 150, 210, 270, 330} { \draw[blue!50!white,very thin] (0,0) -- +(\i:0.3); } \draw[decoration = Koch snowflake, blue!50!white, very thin] decorate{($(0,0)+(60:0.2)$) -- ($(0,0)+(300:0.2)$) -- ($(0,0)+(180:0.2)$) -- cycle}; } } \tikzset{ snow/.style = {decoration = {random steps, segment length = 2mm, amplitude = 0.4mm}, decorate}, plush/.style = {decoration = {random steps, segment length = 1mm, amplitude = 0.5mm},decorate} } \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[color = bodycolor, draw = black, thick] %---------------------background and tail---------------------- % blue sky \fill[blue!30!white] (-8cm,-11cm) rectangle (8cm,10cm); % random snowflakes \foreach \i in {0.1,0.11,...,1}{ \pic [scale = \i, opacity = 0.9] at (rand*7.5, rnd*18-10.5) {snowflake};} % more tiny snowflakes \foreach \i in {0.1,0.11,...,0.5}{ \pic [scale = \i, opacity = 0.9] at (rand*7.5, rnd*18-10.5) {snowflake};} % cloud with merry christmas \node [cloud,aspect = 6.5, cloud puff arc = 120, cloud puffs = 12.9, fill = white, color = white] at (0,7) {\Huge M \hspace{9.8cm}.}; \node [color = red] at (0,7) {\fontsize{50}{80} \textbf{Merry Christmas \quad }}; % tail \path [draw, fill, rotate = 50] (-4,-7.5) circle (1.5 and 2.2); % snowhill \fill [draw, gray!6, snow] (-8,-11) to[in=200, out=0] (-3,-7.5) to (3,-7.5) to[out=-20, in=180] (8,-11); %--------------------body----------------------------------------- % right ear \path [fill, draw] (0.6,2.3)+(-45:1) arc (-60:35:1 and 1.5) arc (115:210:1 and 1.5); % left ear \path [fill, draw] (-0.6,2.3)+(-135:1) arc (-120:-215:1 and 1.5) arc (65:-30:1 and 1.5); % head \path [draw, fill] ($(0,0)+(170:2.5 and 2)$) arc (170:10:2.5 and 2) arc(35:-20: 3 and 2) -- ($(0,-0.8)+(200:3 and 2)$) arc (200:145:3 and 2) -- cycle; % body \path[fill] ($(0,-4)+(200:4 and 4.5)$) arc (200:-20:4 and 4.5); %----------------------face---------------------------------------- % left eye \path [draw, fill = white] (-1.4,0.7) circle (0.45 and 0.4); \fill [black] (-1.2,0.7) circle (0.16); \fill [white] (-1.24,0.74) circle (0.03); % right eye \path [draw, fill = white, thick] (1.4,0.7) circle (0.4); \fill [black] (1.25,0.7) circle (0.16); \fill [white] (1.20,0.74) circle (0.03); % nose \path [draw] (0.35, 0.7) .. controls (0.2,0.8) and (-0.2, 0.8) .. (-0.35, 0.7); \path [fill = black] (0, 0.53) -- (0.25, 0.6) .. controls (0.3,0.75) and (-0.3, 0.75) .. (-0.25, 0.6) -- cycle; \pic [scale = 0.3] at (0,0.8) {snowflake}; % mouth \draw (-0.05,-0.5) arc (140:85:0.2 and 0.1); % whiskers \foreach \i/\j/\k/\l/\m in {80/1/1.5/-2/0, -90/-1/1.5/-2.2/-0.2, -80/-0.8/1.5/-2.5/-0.5, -80/1/1.3/2.2/0, 90/-1/1.3/2.4/-0.2, 80/-1/1.3/2.6/-0.4} \pic [rotate = \i, scale = \j, yscale = \k] at (\l,\m) {whiskers}; %-----------------------------arms---------------------------------- % handclaws \foreach \i in {-4,-3.8,-3.6,3.9,3.7,3.5} { \pic [rotate = 180] at (\i,-6.5) {claw};} % left arm \path [draw, fill] (-3, -1) .. controls (-5.5,-3.5) and (-4.5,-7.5) .. (-3.35,-6.45); % right arm \path [draw, fill] (3, -1) .. controls (5.5,-3.5) and (4.5,-7.5) .. (3.35,-6.45); %------------------------belly---------------------------------- \draw[fill = bellycolor] ($(0,-4.7)+(230:3.8 and 4)$) to [out = -10,in = 190] ($(0,-4.7)+(-50:3.8 and 4)$) to ($(0,-4)+(-50:4.5)$) to [out = 60, in = -70] ($(0,-4.7)+(50:3.8 and 4)$) arc (50:130:3.8 and 4) to [out = -110, in = 120] ($(0,-4)+(-130:4.5)$) to cycle; % fur spots \foreach \i/\j/\k in {0/0/-1.3, -15/1.6/-1.5, 15/-1.6/-1.5, -8/0.7/-2.2, 8/-0.7/-2.2, -22/2.2/-2.5, 22/-2.2/-2.5} { \pic [rotate = \i] at (\j, \k) {furspot};} %------------------------legs and feet-------------------------- %legs \path [draw, rotate = 32, fill] (-5.8,-5.2) circle (0.9 and 1.4); \path [draw, rotate = -32, fill] (5.8,-5.2) circle (0.9 and 1.4); % left feet \path [draw, fill, rotate = 30] (-5.6,-6.1) circle (0.65 and 0.6); \path [draw, fill, rotate = -30] (5.6,-6.1) circle (0.65 and 0.6); % toe beans \path [draw, fill = bodycolor!50!white, rotate = 45] (-7,-4.7) circle (0.3 and 0.17); \path [draw ,fill = bodycolor!50!white, rotate = -45] (7,-4.7) circle (0.3 and 0.17); % footclaws \foreach \i/\j/\k in {50/-2.2/-7.9,40/-2/-7.7,30/-1.75/-7.55, -50/2.3/-8,-40/2.1/-7.8,-30/1.85/-7.65} { \pic [rotate = \i] at (\j,\k) {claw};} % hat \path [draw, fill = red] (43:2.5) to [in = -170, out = 130] ($(0.7,3)+(195:0.4)$) to [in = 180, out = 90] (0.7,3.1) to [out = 150, in = 0] (0,3.3) to [in = 50, out = 180] (137:2.5); \fill [draw, plush, fill = white, thin] (145:2.5 and 2) to [in = 160, out = 20] (35:2.5 and 2) to [out = 80, in = -80] ++(0,0.5) to [out = 160, in = 20] ($(145:2.5 and 2) +(0,0.5)$) to [in = 100, out = -100] cycle; \fill [draw, plush, fill = white, thin] (0.7,3.1) circle (0.5); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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