Demonstration of timing.sty, a convenient set of macros for drawing logic timing diagrams. Written by Pascal Wolkotte and Jochem Rutgers.
The macros are also available as a separate sty file:
Authors: | ir. Pascal T. Wolkotte and Jochem Rutgers, University of Twente |
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% Some macros for logic timing diagrams.
% Author: ir. Pascal T. Wolkotte and Jochem Rutgers, University of Twente
% Start of timing.sty
% Some macros for logic timing diagrams.
% Author: ir. Pascal T. Wolkotte and Jochem Rutgers, University of Twente
% Version: 0.1
% Date: 2007/10/11
% advance clock one cycle, not to be called directly
\draw (t_cur) -- ++(0,.3) -- ++(.5,0) -- ++(0,-.6) -- ++(.5,0) -- ++(0,.3)
node[time] (t_cur) {};
\draw[fill=#3] (t_cur) -- ++( .1, .3) -- ++(#2-.2,0) -- ++(.1, -.3)
-- ++(-.1,-.3) -- ++(.2-#2,0) -- cycle;
\path (t_cur) -- node[anchor=mid] {#1} ++(#2,0) node[time] (t_cur) {};
% \known{val}{length}
% \unknown{length}
% \bit{1 or 0}{length}
\draw (t_cur) -- ++(0,.6*#1-.3) -- ++(#2,0) -- ++(0,.3-.6*#1)
node[time] (t_cur) {};
% \unknownbit{length}
\draw[ultra thick,black!50] (t_cur) -- ++(#1,0) node[time] (t_cur) {};
% \nextwave{name}
\path (0,\value{wavenum}) node[left] {#1} node[time] (t_cur) {};
% \clk{name}{period}
\foreach \t in {1,2,...,\res}{
% \begin{wave}[clkname]{num_waves}{clock_cycles}
\begin{tikzpicture}[draw=black, yscale=.7,xscale=1]
\foreach \t in {0,1,...,\wavewidth}{
\draw[dotted] (t_cur) +(0,.5) node[above] {t=\t} -- ++(0,.4-#2);
%%% End of timing.sty
\nextwave{req\_addr} \bit{0}{.2} \bit{1}{1} \bit{0}{3} \bit{1}{1} \bit{0}{.8}
\nextwave{inst\_addr} \unknown[X]{.5} \known{addr}{1} \unknown{4.5}
\nextwave{link\_addrs} \unknown{1.2} \known{map}{1} \unknown{3.8}
\nextwave{link\_load} \unknown{2.2} \known{vam}{1} \unknown{2.8}
\nextwave{link\_load\_r} \unknown{3.1} \known{val}{1} \unknown{1.9}
\nextwave{simulate} \bit{0}{3.1} \bit{1}{1} \bit{0}{1.9}
\nextwave{output} \unknown{3.3} \known{}{.5} \known{}{.5} \unknown{1.7}
\nextwave{prev\_output} \unknown{3.2} \known{old}{1} \unknown{1.8}
\nextwave{differs} \unknownbit{3.3} \bit{1}{.5} \bit{1}{.4} \unknownbit{1.8}
\nextwave{differs\_r} \unknownbit{4.1} \bit{1}{1} \unknownbit{.9}
\nextwave{dep\_addr} \unknown{4.2} \known{dep}{1} \unknown[X]{.8}
\nextwave{req} \unknown{4.3} \known{req}{1} \unknown[X]{.7}
Thanks for this example, this was a great help!
I added a little command to add a label in between waveforms.
\newcommand{\lbl}[1] {
\node[fill=white,nearly opaque, minimum width=\wavewidth cm] (lbl) at (\wavewidth/2,\value{wavenum}) {};
\node (lbl) at (\wavewidth/2,\value{wavenum}) {#1};
I've only just started to use TeX though so i'm not sure if this is the best way... :)
Thanks for sharing Johan. If you want more options for drawing timing diagrams I recommend taking a look at the new tikz-timing package. I have not tried it yet, but it looks good.
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