Skype uses a decentralized network topology with super nodes and normal clients. This diagram shows the architecture.
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% Skype network topology
% Author Fiandrino Claudio 2011
\tikzstyle{peers}=[draw,circle,violet,bottom color=\lav,
top color= white, text=violet,minimum width=10pt]
\tikzstyle{superpeers}=[draw,circle,burntorange, left color=\oran,
text=violet,minimum width=20pt]
\tikzstyle{legendsp}=[rectangle, draw, burntorange, rounded corners,
thin,bottom color=\oran, top color=white,
text=burntorange, minimum width=2.5cm]
\tikzstyle{legendp}=[rectangle, draw, violet, rounded corners, thin,
bottom color=\lav, top color= white,
text= violet, minimum width= 2.5cm]
\tikzstyle{legend_general}=[rectangle, rounded corners, thin,
burntorange, fill= white, draw, text=violet,
minimum width=2.5cm, minimum height=0.8cm]
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, thick]
% Place super peers and connect them
\foreach \place/\name in {{(0,-1)/a}, {(2,0)/b}, {(2,2)/c}, {(0,2)/d},
\node[superpeers] (\name) at \place {};
\foreach \source/\dest in {a/b, a/c, a/d, b/c, c/d,a/e,d/e}
\path (\source) edge (\dest);
% Place normal peers
\foreach \pos/\i in {above left of/1, left of/2, below left of/3}
\node[peers, \pos = e] (e\i) {};
\foreach \speer/\peer in {e/e1,e/e2,e/e3}
\path (\speer) edge (\peer);
\foreach \pos/\i in {above right of/1, right of/2, below right of/3}
\node[peers, \pos =b ] (b\i) {};
\foreach \speer/\peer in {b/b1,b/b2,b/b3}
\path (\speer) edge (\peer);
\node[peers, above of=d] (d1){};
\path (d) edge (d1);
\foreach \pos/\i in {below left of/1, below of/2}
\node[peers, \pos =a ] (a\i) {};
\foreach \speer/\peer in {a/a1,a/a2}
\path (\speer) edge (\peer);
% Legends
\node[legendsp] at (5,0) {\small{Super-peers}};
\node[legendp] at (5,2) {\small{Normal peers}};
\node[legend_general] at (0,4) {\small{\textsc{Skype-topology}}};
I m getting an error stating: preview.sty file not can i rectify the error
@kartik: This likely means you don't have the Preview package installed (or latex cannot locate it for some reason). Check your distribution and install it or go to to download the package.
In any event, I doubt the package is required to run this example. Try commenting out the line "\usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview}" and see if it compiles.
You would also have to remove "\PreviewEnvironment{tikzpicture} \setlength\PreviewBorder{7pt}"
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