Example of how to draw regular polygons using a \foreach loop inside a path. The angles have been calculated manually.
Update. PGF 1.18
Source: | The pgf-help forum |
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% Regular polygons
% Radius of regular polygons
% Indicate the boundary of the regular polygons
\draw [thin,black!20] circle (\R) ;
\fill[black!20] circle (2pt);
\draw (0:\R) \foreach \x in {120,240} {
-- (\x:\R)
} -- cycle (90:\R) node[above] {$n=3$} ;
\draw[xshift=2.5\R] (0:\R) \foreach \x in {90,180,...,359} {
-- (\x:\R)
} -- cycle (90:\R) node[above] {$n=4$} ;
\draw[xshift=5.0\R] (0:\R) \foreach \x in {72,144,...,359} {
-- (\x:\R)
} -- cycle (90:\R) node[above] {$n=5$} ;
\draw (0:\R) \foreach \x in {60,120,...,359} {
-- (\x:\R)
}-- cycle (90:\R) node[above] {$n=6$} ;
% 360/7 = 51.4286 For PGF v < 1.18 we have to round to the nearest
% integer. Newer version support fractional angle values.
% For a more accurate result use the sequence
% {51, 103, 154, 206, 257, 309}
\draw[xshift=2.5\R] (0:\R) \foreach \x in {51.4286,102.8571,...,359} {
-- (\x:\R)
}-- cycle (90:\R) node[above] {$n=7$} ;
\draw[xshift=5.0\R] (0:\R) \foreach \x in {45,90,...,359} {
-- (\x:\R)
} -- cycle (90:\R) node[above] {$n=8$} ;
\draw[yshift=-6.0\R] (0:\R) \foreach \x in {10,20,...,359} {
-- (\x:\R)
} -- cycle (90:\R) node[above] {$n=36$} ;
Nice and simple - thanks. Has anyone tried to write tikz code for the stars shown in http://mathworld.wolfram.com/StarPolygon.html ?
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