A red-black tree is a special type of binary tree, used in computer science to organize pieces of comparable data, such as text fragments or numbers. (Wikipedia)
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% Red-black tree
% Author: Madit
treenode/.style = {align=center, inner sep=0pt, text centered,
arn_n/.style = {treenode, circle, white, font=\sffamily\bfseries, draw=black,
fill=black, text width=1.5em},% arbre rouge noir, noeud noir
arn_r/.style = {treenode, circle, red, draw=red,
text width=1.5em, very thick},% arbre rouge noir, noeud rouge
arn_x/.style = {treenode, rectangle, draw=black,
minimum width=0.5em, minimum height=0.5em}% arbre rouge noir, nil
\begin{tikzpicture}[->,>=stealth',level/.style={sibling distance = 5cm/#1,
level distance = 1.5cm}]
\node [arn_n] {33}
child{ node [arn_r] {15}
child{ node [arn_n] {10}
child{ node [arn_r] {5} edge from parent node[above left]
{$x$}} %for a named pointer
child{ node [arn_x] {}}
child{ node [arn_n] {20}
child{ node [arn_r] {18}}
child{ node [arn_x] {}}
child{ node [arn_r] {47}
child{ node [arn_n] {38}
child{ node [arn_r] {36}}
child{ node [arn_r] {39}}
child{ node [arn_n] {51}
child{ node [arn_r] {49}}
child{ node [arn_x] {}}
Hello. Great code. I would like to draw the following array based on this tree:
minute 24:40
also I would like to connect the boxes of the array with lines. Any idea?
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