This code produces an image of a “quantum circuit” that produces a Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state, which is important for tests of nonlocality. This is an example of how simple it is to draw quantum circuits using TikZ.
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% Quantum circuit
% Author: Mark S. Everitt
\usepackage[hang,small,bf]{caption} % fancy captions
\usetikzlibrary{backgrounds,fit,decorations.pathreplacing} % TikZ libraries
\newcommand{\ket}[1]{\ensuremath{\left|#1\right\rangle}} % Dirac Kets
% `operator' will only be used by Hadamard (H) gates here.
% `phase' is used for controlled phase gates (dots).
% `surround' is used for the background box.
\tikzstyle{operator} = [draw,fill=white,minimum size=1.5em]
\tikzstyle{phase} = [fill,shape=circle,minimum size=5pt,inner sep=0pt]
\tikzstyle{surround} = [fill=blue!10,thick,draw=black,rounded corners=2mm]
% Qubits
\node at (0,0) (q1) {\ket{0}};
\node at (0,-1) (q2) {\ket{0}};
\node at (0,-2) (q3) {\ket{0}};
% Column 1
\node[operator] (op11) at (1,0) {H} edge [-] (q1);
\node[operator] (op21) at (1,-1) {H} edge [-] (q2);
\node[operator] (op31) at (1,-2) {H} edge [-] (q3);
% Column 3
\node[phase] (phase11) at (2,0) {} edge [-] (op11);
\node[phase] (phase12) at (2,-1) {} edge [-] (op21);
\draw[-] (phase11) -- (phase12);
% Column 4
\node[phase] (phase21) at (3,0) {} edge [-] (phase11);
\node[phase] (phase23) at (3,-2) {} edge [-] (op31);
\draw[-] (phase21) -- (phase23);
% Column 5
\node[operator] (op24) at (4,-1) {H} edge [-] (phase12);
\node[operator] (op34) at (4,-2) {H} edge [-] (phase23);
% Column 6
\node (end1) at (5,0) {} edge [-] (phase21);
\node (end2) at (5,-1) {} edge [-] (op24);
\node (end3) at (5,-2) {} edge [-] (op34);
% Bracket
\draw[decorate,decoration={brace},thick] (5,0.2) to
node[midway,right] (bracket) {$\frac{\ket{000}+\ket{111}}{\sqrt{2}}$}
% Background Box
\node[surround] (background) [fit = (q1) (op31) (bracket)] {};
A quantum circuit for producing a GHZ state using
Hadamard gates and controlled phase gates.
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