A diagram of a pressurized water reactor.
Author: | Gloria Faccanoni |
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% Pressurized Water Reactor
% Author: Gloria Faccanoni <http://www.science.unitn.it/~gloria/home.htm>
annotline/.style = {stealth-},
\draw[draw=Gray,double=Gray!10,double distance=4pt]
(12,12) to[out=135,in=45](0,12)--(0,0)--(22,0)--(22,12)--(12,12)--(12,0);
\node[text width=4cm, text centered,font=\small] at (6,13)
% legend
\filldraw[draw=red,fill=red!10] (1,0) rectangle ++(2,1);
\node[text width=4cm, font=\small,right] at (3,0.5)
{Pressurized water\\(primary loop)};
\filldraw[draw=blue,bottom color=blue!40,top color=Gray!30]
(11,0) rectangle ++(2,1);
\node[text width=4cm, font=\small,right] at (13,0.5)
{Water and steam\\(secondary loop)};
\filldraw[draw=Blue,fill=Blue!10] (21,0) rectangle ++(2,1);
\node[text width=4cm, font=\small,right] at (23,0.5)
{Water\\(cooling loop)};
% 2nd loop --------------------------------------------------------------------
% vessel left
\filldraw[draw=blue,bottom color=blue!40,top color=Gray!30]
(0,0) to[out=-20,in=200] (3.5,0) --
(3.5,4.5) to[out=120,in=60] (0,4.5) -- (0,0);
% vessel right
\filldraw[draw=blue,bottom color=blue!40,top color=Gray!30,xshift=7cm]
(0,0) to[out=-20,in=200] (3.5,0) --
(3.5,5) to[out=120,in=60] (0,5) -- (0,0);
% circuits
\draw[draw=blue,double=blue!40,double distance=4pt]
(1.75,-0.3) -- ++(0,-1) -- ++(7,0) -- ++(0,1);
\draw[draw=blue,double=Gray!30,double distance=4pt]
(1.75,5.38) -- ++(0,1) -- ++(4,0) -- ++(0,1) -- ++(3,0) -- ++(0,-1.5);
% arrows
\draw[arrows2loop] (3.5,-1.3) -- (3,-1.3);
\draw[arrows2loop] (1.75,-0.9) -- (1.75,-0.4);
\draw[arrows2loop] (4.5,6.38) -- (5,6.38);
\draw[arrows2loop] (7,7.38) -- (7.5,7.38);
\draw[arrows2loop] (8.75,6.4) -- (8.75,5.9);
\draw[arrows2loop] (8.75,-0.4) -- (8.75,-0.9);
\foreach \x in {0.5,1,...,3}
\draw[arrows2loop,xshift=7cm] (\x,3) -- (\x,2.5);
% labels
\draw[annotline] (2.5,-1.3) -- ++(3.5,1.3)
node[text width=1cm,font=\small,above] {Liquid};
\draw[annotline] (2.5,6.38) -- ++(3.5,-1.3)
node[text width=1cm,font=\small,below] {Vapor};
% pump
\filldraw[fill=Blue!20,draw=Blue] (0,0) circle (0.5cm);
\node[below,font=\small] at (0,-0.5) {Pump};
(0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm) arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
(0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm) arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
(0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm) arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
(0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm) arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
% generator ...
\draw[xshift=6.5cm,draw=Gray,double=Gray!10,double distance=4pt]
(3,4) -- ++(2,0);
(1.8,4) -- (3.0,3.3) -- (3.0,4.7) -- cycle;
(1.5,4) -- (2.5,3.4) -- (2.5,4.6) -- cycle;
(1.2,4) -- (2 ,3.5) -- (2 ,4.5) -- cycle;
(4.5,3.3) rectangle (7.3,4.7);
\node[text width=3cm, text centered,font=\small] at (1.75,4)
{Steam generator\\ (heat change)};
\node[text width=2cm, text centered,font=\small] at (8.8,5) {Turbine};
\node[text width=2cm, text centered,font=\small] at (12.4,4) {Alternator};
% transmission lines
\node (aa) at (11.1,4.6) {};
\node (bb) at (11.6,4.6) {};
\node (cc) at (12.1,4.6) {};
\node (dd) at (12.6,4.6) {};
\node (ee) at (13.1,4.6) {};
\node (ff) at (13.6,4.6) {};
% 3 loop --------------------------------------------------------------------
% circuit
\draw[draw=Blue,double=Blue!10,double distance=4pt]
(1,2.5) -- ++(-8.5,0) -- ++(0,+1.5) -- ++(8.5,0);
% arrows
\draw[arrows3loop] (-5.5,2.5) -- (-6,2.5);
\draw[arrows3loop] (-1.5,2.5) -- (-2,2.5);
\draw[arrows3loop] (-6,4) -- (-5.5,4);
\draw[arrows3loop] (-2,4) -- (-1.5,4);
% tower
\filldraw[draw=Gray,fill=Gray!20] (1,7) to[out=270,in=80]
(0,0) to[out=-20,in=200]
(6,0) to[out=100,in=270]
\filldraw[draw=Gray,fill=Gray!40] (1,7) to[out=30,in=150]
(5,7) to[out=200,in=-20]
% labels
\node[text width=3cm, text centered,font=\small] at (3,3.5)
\node[text width=2cm, text centered,font=\small] at (-3.5,1.5)
\node[text width=2cm, text centered,font=\small] at (-6,3.25)
% pump
\filldraw[fill=purple!20,draw=purple] (0,0) circle (0.5cm);
\node[below,font=\small] at (0,-0.5) {Pump};
(0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm) arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
(0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm) arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
(0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm) arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
(0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm) arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
%1 loop --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Reactor vessel
\filldraw[draw=red,fill=red!10] (0,-0.5) to[out=-20,in=200]
(3.5,-0.5) --
(3.5,4.5) to[out=160,in=20]
(0,4.5) --
% circuit
\draw[draw=red,double=red!10,double distance=4pt]
(0.1,1) -- ++(-1,0) -- ++(0,-3) -- ++(5,0) -- ++(0,1.5) --
++(3,0) -- ++(0,2) -- ++(-3.7,0);
% Pressurizer
\draw[draw=red,double=red!10,double distance=4pt] (4.2,1.6) -- ++(0,0.8);
\filldraw[draw=Green,bottom color=red!40,top color=Green!20]
(4,2.4) to[out=-20,in=200]
(4.5,2.4) --
(4.5,3.6) to[out=160,in=20]
(3.9,3.6) --
% arrows
\draw[arrows1loop] (-0.7,1) -- (-0.2,1);
\draw[arrows1loop] (-0.9,-0.5) -- (-0.9,0);
\draw[arrows1loop] (0.7,-2) -- (0.2,-2);
\draw[arrows1loop] (4.5,1.5) -- (5,1.5);
\draw[arrows1loop] (7.1,0.5) -- (7.1,0);
\draw[arrows1loop] (5.5,-0.5) -- (5,-0.5);
% pump
\filldraw (0,0) circle (0.5cm);
\node[below,font=\small] at (0,-0.5) {Pump};
\filldraw[yshift=-0.5cm] (0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm) arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
(0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm) arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
(0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm) arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
(0,0) arc (240:180:0.4cm) arc (200:280:0.4cm) ;
% reactor core
\filldraw[fill=red!30,draw=red] (0.7,0) rectangle (2.8,2);
% control rods
\foreach \x in {1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5}
\draw[draw=Gray,double=Gray!50,double distance=0.5pt] (\x,0.3) -- (\x,3.7);
\draw[annotline] (0.6,0.5) -- ++(-3.3,-1.5)
node[text width=1cm,font=\small,left] {Reactor core};
\node[text width=2cm, text centered,font=\small] at (1.75,5.4) {Reactor vessel};
\draw[annotline] (0.9,2.8) -- ++(-3.3,1.5)
node[text width=2cm, text centered,font=\small,left=-8pt] {Control\\rods};
\draw[annotline] (4.2,3.7) -- ++(0.5,1.5)
node[text width=2cm, text centered,font=\small,above] {Pressurizer};
\draw[annotline] (3.9,1.5) -- ++(1.3,-0.6)
node[text width=2.4cm, text centered,below=-2pt,font=\small]
{Water coolant (\unit{330}{\degreecelsius})};
\draw[annotline] (-0.1,-2) -- ++(-0.3,-0.6)
node[text width=2.4cm, text centered,below=-2pt,font=\small]
{Water coolant (\unit{280}{\degreecelsius})};
% clouds ----------------------------------
\begin{scope}[xshift=26cm,yshift=10cm, fill=blue!10, draw=Blue,
decoration={bumps,segment length=0.5cm}]
(0,0) -- ++(-0.4,1.25)-- ++(-0.1,0.75)-- ++(0.2,0.5)-- ++(0.3,0.5)--
++(0.3,-0.5)-- ++(0.2,-0.5)-- ++(-0.1,-0.75)-- ++(-0.4,-1.25);
(0,0) -- ++(-0.4,1.25)-- ++(-0.1,0.75)-- ++(0.2,0.5)-- ++(0.3,0.5)--
++(0.3,-0.5)-- ++(0.2,-0.5)-- ++(-0.1,-0.75)-- ++(-0.4,-1.25);
(0,0) -- ++(-0.4,1.25)-- ++(-0.1,0.75)-- ++(0.2,0.5)-- ++(0.3,0.5)--
++(0.3,-0.5)-- ++(0.2,-0.5)-- ++(-0.1,-0.75)-- ++(-0.4,-1.25);
\node[text width=1cm, text centered,font=\small] at (0.2,1.5) {Water vapor};
% palo della luce
\begin{scope}[xscale=0.2,xshift=113cm,yshift=19cm,line width=1pt,Brown]
\draw (0,0) -- (-6,-6)
(0,0) -- ( 6,-6)
(-1,-1) -- ( 1,-1)
(-1,-1) -- ( 2,-2)
( 1,-1) -- (-2,-2)
(-2,-2) -- ( 2,-2)
(-2,-2) -- ( 3,-3)
( 2,-2) -- (-3,-3)
( 3,-3) -- (-3,-3)
(-3,-3) -- ( 4,-4)
( 3,-3) -- (-4,-4)
( 4,-4) -- (-4,-4)
(-4,-4) -- ( 5,-5)
( 4,-4) -- (-5,-5)
( 5,-5) -- (-5,-5)
(-6,-6) -- ( 0,-5.2)
( 6,-6) -- ( 0,-5.2);
\draw (-1.5,-1.5) -- (-4,-1.5) -- (-1,-1)
( 1.5,-1.5) -- ( 4,-1.5) -- ( 1,-1);
\path (-4,-1.4) node (a) {}
( 4,-1.4) node (b) {};
\draw[line width=1pt,Brown] (-3.5,-3.5) -- (-7.5,-3.5) -- (-3,-3)
( 3.5,-3.5) -- ( 7.5,-3.5) -- ( 3,-3);
\path (-7.5,-3.4) node (c) {}
( 7.5,-3.4) node (d) {}
(-5.5,-3.4) node (e) {}
( 5.5,-3.4) node (f) {};
% transmission lines
\draw[dashed,Gray] (c) -- (aa)
(a) -- (bb)
(e) -- (cc)
(b) -- (dd)
(f) -- (ee)
(d) -- (ff);
Good Job.... Extremely good work
Indeed. Gloria Faccanoni's work is impressive. An "interactive" version of the above drawing can be found in the weblog post Creating PDF layers using ocg.sty
God dag! Kan jag ladda ner en bild fran din blogg. Av sak med hanvisning till din webbplats!
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