Example: Personality test

Published 2008-06-09 | Author: Rasmus Pank Roulund

In this example TikZ is used to produce the graphic output of a personality test developed by Prof. Poul Sveistrup.

Author:Rasmus Pank Roulund

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Personality test

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% In this document Tikz is used to produce the graphic output of
% personality test by Sveistrup. More on the test (in Danish) here:
% http://www.socsci.auc.dk/samfbasis/kurser/projektarb/2006_7_farvetest.doc
% Author: Rasmus Pank Roulund

%Adding new counters

        %Styles are defined.
        \tikzstyle{important line}=[very thick]

        %Let us lay the grounds.
        \draw[style=help lines, step=0.5cm] (-5.1,-5.1) grid (5.1,5.1);


        %%We set the style for the follwing to be axes
            \draw[->] (0,0) -- (-5.4,0) node[left]  {$A$} coordinate(x axis);
            \draw[->] (0,0) -- (5.4,0) node[right]  {$C$} coordinate(x axis);

            \draw[->] (0,0) -- (0,5.4)  node[above]  {$B$} coordinate(y axis);
            \draw[->] (0,0) -- (0,-5.4) node[below]  {$D$} coordinate(y axis);

        %We will make the important lines.
        %They will be filled, and they make out the basics of the figure
        \begin{scope}[style=important line,very nearly opaque, text opacity=100]


        \draw[fill=green!40!white, ] (-\thelenA mm, 0mm) --
        (0 mm,-\thelenD mm)
        --node[above left] {\threeAD} (0 mm, 0 mm) -- cycle ;


        \draw[fill=blue!40!white] (\thelenC mm, 0mm) -- (0 mm,-\thelenD mm) --
            node[right] {\threeCD} (0 mm, 0 mm)  -- cycle;


        \draw[fill=yellow!40!white] (\thelenC mm, 0mm) -- (0 mm,\thelenB mm)
            --  (0 mm, 0 mm) node[above right] {\threeBC} -- cycle;


        \draw[fill=red!50!white] (-\thelenA mm, 0mm) -- (0 mm,\thelenB mm)
            -- (0 mm, 0 mm) node[above left] {\threeAB} -- cycle;


        \begin{scope}[style=axes, nearly opaque]
            %tiks on x-axis
            \foreach \x in {-5,-4,...,-.1}
                \draw (\x,.1pt) -- (\x,-.1pt) node[below]
                    {\fpAbs{\xpos}{\x}\scriptsize \xpos 0};

            \foreach \x in {5,4,...,.1}
                \draw[xshift=\x cm] (0,.1pt) -- (0,-.1pt) node[below]
                    {\fpAbs{\xpos}{\x}\scriptsize \xpos 0};

            %tiks på y-acis
            \foreach \y in {5,4,3,...,.1}
                \draw[yshift=\y cm] (-1.5pt,0pt) -- (1.5pt,0pt) node[right]
                    {\fpAbs{\ypos}{\y} \scriptsize \ypos 0};

            \foreach \y in {-5,-4,...,-.1}
                \draw[yshift=\y cm] (-1.5pt,0pt) -- (1.5pt,0pt) node[right]
                    {\fpAbs{\ypos}{\y} \scriptsize \ypos 0};




%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: t
%%% End:


  • #1 Lolita, April 16, 2013 at 6:25 a.m.

    s the only thing that can tell you with any assurance that a project can move ahead and make money. Now repeat the process by mining and dropping simultaneously. Also onsite is a physics lab, which is in The underground psychic lab is in use today, by the University of Minnesota.

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