Physical and overlay topology characterization of a P2P system topology

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% P2P system topology % Author Fiandrino Claudio 2011 - % Description: physical and overlay topology characterization \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview} \usetikzlibrary{shapes} \PreviewEnvironment{tikzpicture} \setlength\PreviewBorder{7pt} \definecolor{pinegreen}{cmyk}{0.92,0,0.59,0.25} \definecolor{royalblue}{cmyk}{1,0.50,0,0} \definecolor{lavander}{cmyk}{0,0.48,0,0} \definecolor{violet}{cmyk}{0.79,0.88,0,0} \tikzstyle{cblue}=[circle, draw, thin,fill=cyan!20, scale=0.8] \tikzstyle{qgre}=[rectangle, draw, thin,fill=green!20, scale=0.8] \tikzstyle{rpath}=[ultra thick, red, opacity=0.4] \tikzstyle{legend_isps}=[rectangle, rounded corners, thin, fill=gray!20, text=blue, draw] \tikzstyle{legend_overlay}=[rectangle, rounded corners, thin, top color= white,bottom color=green!25, minimum width=2.5cm, minimum height=0.8cm, pinegreen] \tikzstyle{legend_phytop}=[rectangle, rounded corners, thin, top color= white,bottom color=cyan!25, minimum width=2.5cm, minimum height=0.8cm, royalblue] \tikzstyle{legend_general}=[rectangle, rounded corners, thin, top color= white,bottom color=lavander!25, minimum width=2.5cm, minimum height=0.8cm, violet] \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[auto, thick] % Cloud creation \node[cloud, fill=gray!20, cloud puffs=16, cloud puff arc= 100, minimum width=7cm, minimum height=2.5cm, aspect=1] at (0,0) {}; % Physical layer nodes \foreach \place/\x in {{(-2.5,0.3)/1}, {(-1.75,-0.55)/2},{(-1.2,0.55)/3}, {(-0.75,-0.7)/4}, {(-0.25,0)/5}, {(0.25,0.7)/6}, {(0.75,-0.3)/7}, {(1.5,0)/8},{(2.5,0.4)/9}} \node[cblue] (a\x) at \place {}; % Physical layer links \path[thin] (a1) edge (a2); \path[thin] (a1) edge (a3); \path[thin] (a2) edge (a3); \path[thin] (a3) edge (a6); \path[thin] (a2) edge (a4); \path[thin] (a5) edge (a6); \path[thin] (a5) edge (a4); \path[thin] (a5) edge (a2); \path[thin] (a5) edge (a7); \path[thin] (a6) edge (a7); \path[thin] (a6) edge (a9); \path[thin] (a6) edge (a8); \path[thin] (a8) edge (a9); \path[thin] (a7) edge (a8); % ISPs labelling \draw[very thick, blue, dashed] (1.8,1.2).. controls +(left:2.2cm) and +(down:0.5cm) ..(0.7,-1.1); \draw[very thick, blue, dashed] (-3,1).. controls +(right:2.2cm) and +(down:0.4cm) ..(-1,-1); \node[legend_isps] (i1) at (-2.75,-2) {\textsc{Isp 1}}; \node[legend_isps] (i2) at (0,-2) {\textsc{Isp 2}}; \node[legend_isps] (i3) at (2,-2) {\textsc{Isp 3}}; \draw[-latex, thick, red] (i1) -- (-2.75,0); \draw[-latex, thick, red] (i2) -- (0,-0.7); \draw[-latex, thick, red] (i3) -- (2,0); % Overlay layer nodes \foreach \place/\i in {{(-2.5,2.3)/1},{(-1.75,1.45)/2},{(-1.2,2.55)/3}, {(-0.75,1.3)/4}, {(-0.25,2)/5}, {(0.25,2.7)/6}, {(0.75,1.7)/7}, {(1.5,2)/8},{(2.5,2.4)/9}} \node[qgre] (b\i) at \place {}; % Overlay layer links \path[thin] (b1) edge (b2); \path[thin] (b2) edge (b4); \path[thin] (b4) edge (b5); \path[thin] (b5) edge (b7); \path[thin] (b4) edge (b3); \path[thin] (b7) edge (b8); \path[thin] (b8) edge (b9); \path[thin] (b9) edge (b6); \path[thin] (b6) edge (b3); \path[thin] (b3) edge (b1); \path[thin] (b5) edge (b8); \path[thin] (b5) edge (b3); \path[thin] (b5) edge (b6); % Links between overlay and physical topology \foreach \i in {1,...,9} \path[rpath] (a\i) edge (b\i); % Legends \node[legend_general] at (0,4){\textsc{P2P System Topology}}; \node[legend_overlay] at (6,2){\textsc{Overlay Network}}; \node[legend_phytop] at (6,0){\textsc{Physical Network}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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