Falling dominoes

The "wavy" arrangement of the standing dominoes is quite straightforward. The four falling dominoes at the end (or start - depending on how you look at it) form one big kludge though.

This example was created by Marc Wibrow (http://tex.stackexchange.com/users/23215/mark-wibrow) answering a question of benedito on TeX.SE (http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/149828/213).


Edit and compile if you like:


  x/.store in=\xx, x=0,
  y/.store in=\yy, y=0,
  z/.store in=\zz, z=0


\begin{tikzpicture}[line join=round, very thin]
  \foreach \x [evaluate={\i=mod(\x+90,360); \j=int((\i<180)*2-1); \t=3;
    \sc=\x/\e; \n=int((\e-\x)/15+5); \X=\x/\e;}] in {10,25,...,\e} {

    \path [shift={(3D cs:x=\x-\t,y={3*sin(\x-\t)})}, yslant=cos(\x)/5]
      (-\X/2, 0)   coordinate (A')  ( \X/2, 0)   coordinate (B')
      ( \X/2,2*\X) coordinate (C')  (-\X/2,2*\X) coordinate (D');

    \path [shift={(3D cs:x=\x,y=3*sin \x)}, yslant=cos(\x)/5]
      (-\X/2, 0)   coordinate (A) ( \X/2, 0)   coordinate (B)
      ( \X/2,2*\X) coordinate (C) (-\X/2,2*\X) coordinate (D);

    \filldraw [black!90] (B) -- (B') -- (C') -- (C)  -- cycle;
    \filldraw [black!80] (A) -- (A') -- (D') -- (D)  -- cycle;
    \filldraw [black!70] (C) -- (D)  -- (D') -- (C') -- cycle;
    \filldraw [black]    (A) -- (B)  -- (C)  -- (D)  -- cycle;

    \node [text=white, shift={($(C)!0.5!(D)$)}, anchor=north,
      yslant=cos(\x)/5, font=\sf, scale=\sc*1.5] at (0,-.33*\X) {\n};
  \foreach \i [evaluate={\x=\i*30-10; \X=1; \n=int(5-\i); \xsl=\x/180}]
    in {1,...,4} {

    \path [shift={(3D cs:x=\x+\e,y=-3*\x/90)}, yslant=cos \e/5, xslant=\xsl]
      (-\X/2, 0)           coordinate (A) ( \X/2, 0)           coordinate (B)
      ( \X/2, \X*2-\x/360) coordinate (C) (-\X/2, \X*2-\x/360) coordinate (D);

    \path [shift={(3D cs:x=\x+\e,y=-3*\x/90)}, shift={(5/50,5/50-\i*2/50)},
      yslant=cos \e/5, xslant=\xsl]
      (-\X/2, 0)           coordinate (A') ( \X/2, 0)           coordinate (B')
      ( \X/2, \X*2-\x/330) coordinate (C') (-\X/2, \X*2-\x/330) coordinate (D');

    \filldraw [black!70] (C) -- (D)  -- (D') -- (C') -- cycle;
    \filldraw [black!70] (A) -- (B)  -- (B') -- (A') -- cycle;
    \filldraw [black!90] (B) -- (B') -- (C') -- (C)  -- cycle;
    \filldraw [black]    (A) -- (B)  -- (C)  -- (D)  -- cycle;

    \node [text=white, shift={($(C)!0.5!(D)$)}, anchor=north, xslant=\xsl,
      yslant=cos \e/5, font=\sf, scale=1.5] at (0,-.33*\X) {\n};

Click to download: dominoes.texdominoes.pdf
Open in Overleaf: dominoes.tex