Skype network topology

Skype uses a decentralized network topology with super nodes and normal clients. This diagram shows the architecture.


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% Skype network topology
% Author Fiandrino Claudio 2011


\tikzstyle{peers}=[draw,circle,violet,bottom color=\lav,
                  top color= white, text=violet,minimum width=10pt]
\tikzstyle{superpeers}=[draw,circle,burntorange, left color=\oran,
                       text=violet,minimum width=20pt]
\tikzstyle{legendsp}=[rectangle, draw, burntorange, rounded corners,
                     thin,bottom color=\oran, top color=white,
                     text=burntorange, minimum width=2.5cm]
\tikzstyle{legendp}=[rectangle, draw, violet, rounded corners, thin,
                     bottom color=\lav, top color= white,
                     text= violet, minimum width= 2.5cm]
\tikzstyle{legend_general}=[rectangle, rounded corners, thin,
                           burntorange, fill= white, draw, text=violet,
                           minimum width=2.5cm, minimum height=0.8cm]
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, thick]
  % Place super peers and connect them
  \foreach \place/\name in {{(0,-1)/a}, {(2,0)/b}, {(2,2)/c}, {(0,2)/d},
    \node[superpeers] (\name) at \place {};
  \foreach \source/\dest in {a/b, a/c, a/d, b/c, c/d,a/e,d/e}
    \path (\source) edge (\dest);
   % Place normal peers
  \foreach \pos/\i in {above left of/1, left of/2, below left of/3}
    \node[peers, \pos = e] (e\i) {};
   \foreach \speer/\peer in {e/e1,e/e2,e/e3}
    \path (\speer) edge (\peer);
   \foreach \pos/\i in {above right of/1, right of/2, below right of/3}
    \node[peers, \pos =b ] (b\i) {};
   \foreach \speer/\peer in {b/b1,b/b2,b/b3}
   \path (\speer) edge (\peer);
   \node[peers, above of=d] (d1){};
   \path (d) edge (d1);
   \foreach \pos/\i in {below left of/1, below of/2}
   \node[peers, \pos =a ] (a\i) {};
   \foreach \speer/\peer in {a/a1,a/a2}
   \path (\speer) edge (\peer);
   % Legends
   \node[legendsp] at (5,0) {\small{Super-peers}};
   \node[legendp] at (5,2) {\small{Normal peers}};
   \node[legend_general] at (0,4) {\small{\textsc{Skype-topology}}};

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