Money flows in an agent-based macroeconomic model with endogenous money


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% Sequence diagram
% Author: Pascal Seppecher

% Agents

% Money Flows
\def\DF{D_{F,t}} \def \DB {D_{B,t}} \def\Dividends{Dividends}
\def\NL{\mathit{NL}_{t}} \def\NewLoans{New loans}
\def\WB{\mathit{WB}_{t}} \def\Wages{Wages}
\def\SA{C_{t}} \def\Consumption{Consumption}
\def\INT{\mathit{INT}_t} \def\Interests{Interests}
\def\RL{\mathit {RL}_{t}} \def\PaidBackLoans{Paid back loans}

% Diagram
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={font=\normalsize,
  minimum height=0.5cm,minimum width=0.5cm},]

% Matrix
\node [matrix, very thin,column sep=1.3cm,row sep=0.5cm] (matrix) at (0,0) {
  & \node(0,0) (\Households) {}; & & \node(0,0) (\Firms) {}; &
    & \node(0,0) (\Banks) {}; & \\
  & \node(0,0) (\Households 0) {}; & & \node(0,0) (\Firms 0) {}; & & & \\
  \node(0,0) (t0 left) {}; & & & & & & \node(0,0) (t0 right) {};\\
  & \node(0,0) (\Households 1) {}; & \node(0,0) (\Dividends 1) {};
    & \node(0,0) (\Firms 1) {}; & & & \\
  \node(0,0) (t1 left) {}; & & & & & & \node(0,0) (t1 right) {};\\
  & \node(0,0) (\Households 2) {}; & \node(0,0) (\Dividends 2) {};
    & \node(0,0) (\Firms 2) {}; & & \node(0,0) (\Banks 2) {}; & \\
  \node(0,0) (t2 left) {}; & & & & & & \node(0,0) (t2 right) {};\\
  & & & \node(0,0) (\Firms 3) {}; & \node(0,0) (\NewLoans) {};
    & \node(0,0) (\Banks 3) {}; & \\
  \node(0,0) (t3 left) {}; & & & & & & \node(0,0) (t3 right) {};\\
  & \node(0,0) (\Households 4) {}; & \node(0,0) (\Wages) {};
    & \node(0,0) (\Firms 4) {}; & & & \\
  \node(0,0) (t4 left) {}; & & & & & & \node(0,0) (t4 right) {};\\
  & \node(0,0) (\Households 5) {}; & \node(0,0) (\Consumption) {};
    & \node(0,0) (\Firms 5) {}; & & & \\
  \node(0,0) (t5 left) {}; & & & & & & \node(0,0) (t5 right) {};\\
  & & & \node(0,0) (\Firms 6) {}; & \node(0,0) (\Interests) {};
    & \node(0,0) (\Banks 6) {}; & \\
  \node(0,0) (t6 left) {}; & & & & & & \node(0,0) (t6 right) {};\\
  & & & \node(0,0) (\Firms 7) {}; & \node(0,0) (\PaidBackLoans) {};
    & \node(0,0) (\Banks 7) {}; & \\
  \node(0,0) (t7 left) {}; & & & & & & \node(0,0) (t7 right) {};\\
  & \node(0,0) (\Households 8) {}; & & \node(0,0) (\Firms 8) {}; & & & \\
  & \node(0,0) (\Households 9) {}; & & \node(0,0) (\Firms 9) {}; &
    & \node(0,0) (\Banks 9) {}; & \\

% Agents labels
	(\Households) node[draw,fill=white] {\Households}
	(\Firms) node[draw,fill=white] {\Firms}
	(\Banks) node[draw,fill=white] {\Banks};

% Horizontal time lines
\draw [dotted] 
  (t0 left) -- (t0 right) node[right] {$t+\frac{0}{7}$}
  (t1 left) -- (t1 right) node[right] {$t+\frac{1}{7}$}
  (t2 left) -- (t2 right) node[right] {$t+\frac{2}{7}$}
  (t3 left) -- (t3 right) node[right] {$t+\frac{3}{7}$}
  (t4 left) -- (t4 right) node[right] {$t+\frac{4}{7}$}
  (t5 left) -- (t5 right) node[right] {$t+\frac{5}{7}$}
  (t6 left) -- (t6 right) node[right] {$t+\frac{6}{7}$}
  (t7 left) -- (t7 right) node[right] {$t+\frac{7}{7}$};

% Available balances at the beginning of the period
  (\Households 0)
    node[draw,isosceles triangle,fill=yellow!20, rotate=-90]
      (\Households Balance In) {}
    node[below right] {$M_{H,t}$}
  (\Firms 0)
    node[draw,isosceles triangle,fill=yellow!20, rotate=-90]
      (\Firms Balance In) {}
    node[below right] {$M_{F,t}$};

% Available balances at the end of the period	
  (\Households 8) 
    node[draw,isosceles triangle,fill=yellow!20, rotate=-90]
      (\Households Balance Out) {}
    node[below right] {$M_{H,t+1}$}
  (\Firms 8) 
    node[draw,isosceles triangle,fill=yellow!20, rotate=-90]
      (\Firms Balance Out) {}
    node[below right] {$M_{F,t+1}$};

% Vertical lifelines
\draw [dashed] 
  (\Households) -- (\Households Balance In.west)
  (\Households Balance Out.east) -- (\Households 9)
  (\Firms) -- (\Firms Balance In.west) (\Firms Balance Out.east) -- (\Firms 9)
  (\Banks) -- (\Banks 9);

% Vertical flows (Intertemporal transfers)
\draw [-latex] (\Households Balance In.east) -- (\Households 1);
\draw [-latex] (\Firms Balance In.east) -- (\Firms 1);
\draw [-latex] (\Firms 1) -- (\Firms 3);
\draw [-latex] (\Firms 4) -- (\Firms 5);
\draw [-latex] (\Households 5) -- (\Households Balance Out.west);
\draw [-latex] (\Firms 7) -- (\Firms Balance Out.west);

% Blocks (Budget constraints)
  (\Firms 1.north west) rectangle (\Firms 1.south east)
  (\Households 1.north west) rectangle (\Households 5.south east)
  (\Firms 3.north west) rectangle (\Firms 4.south east)
  (\Firms 5.north west) rectangle (\Firms 7.south east);

% Horizontal flows (Monetary interactions)
\draw [-latex] (\Firms 1) -- (\Households 1);
\draw [-latex] (\Banks 2) -- (\Firms 2.east) arc(0:180:0.25cm)
  -- (\Households 2);
\draw [-latex] (\Banks 3) -- (\Firms 3);
\draw [-latex] (\Firms 4) -- (\Households 4);
\draw [-latex] (\Households 5) -- (\Firms 5);
\draw [-latex] (\Firms 6) -- (\Banks 6);
\draw [-latex] (\Firms 7) -- (\Banks 7);

% Flows Labels 
  (\Dividends 1) 
    node[above] {$\DF$}
    node[font=\footnotesize, below] {\Dividends}
 (\Dividends 2) 
    node[above] {$\DB$}
    node[font=\footnotesize, below] {\Dividends}
    node[above] {$\NL$}
    node[font=\footnotesize, below] {\NewLoans}
    node[above] {$\WB$}
    node[font=\footnotesize, below] {\Wages}
    node[above] {$\SA$}
    node[font=\footnotesize, below] {\Consumption}
    node[above] {$\INT$}
    node[font=\footnotesize, below] {\Interests}
    node[above] {$\RL$}
    node[font=\footnotesize, below] {\PaidBackLoans}; 

% Money creation
  (\Banks 2) node[draw,circle,fill=green!20] {} node {+}
  (\Banks 3) node[draw,circle,fill=green!20] {} node {+};
% Money destruction
  (\Banks 6) node[draw,circle,fill=red!20] {-}
  (\Banks 7) node[draw,circle,fill=red!20] {-};


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