In this example TikZ is used to produce the graphic output of a personality test developed by Prof. Poul Sveistrup.

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% In this document Tikz is used to produce the graphic output of % personality test by Sveistrup. More on the test (in Danish) here: % % Author: Rasmus Pank Roulund \documentclass[DIV=14]{scrartcl} \pagestyle{empty} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{fltpoint} \usepackage{subfig} %Adding new counters \newcounter{lenA}\newcounter{lenB} \newcounter{lenC}\newcounter{lenD} \newcommand{\svenstrup}[4]{ \setcounter{lenA}{#1}% \setcounter{lenB}{#2}% \setcounter{lenC}{#3}% \setcounter{lenD}{#4}% \fpMul{\fourAB}{\thelenA}{\thelenB}% \fpDiv{\threeAB}{\fourAB}{2}% % \fpMul{\fourBC}{\thelenB}{\thelenC}% \fpDiv{\threeBC}{\fourBC}{2}% % \fpMul{\fourAD}{\thelenA}{\thelenD}% \fpDiv{\threeAD}{\fourAD}{2}% % \fpMul{\fourCD}{\thelenC}{\thelenD}% \fpDiv{\threeCD}{\fourCD}{2}% % \sffamily \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.60] %Styles are defined. \tikzstyle{axes}=[] \tikzstyle{important line}=[very thick] %Let us lay the grounds. %grid \draw[style=help lines, step=0.5cm] (-5.1,-5.1) grid (5.1,5.1); %AXES %%We set the style for the follwing to be axes \begin{scope}[style=axes] \draw[->] (0,0) -- (-5.4,0) node[left] {$A$} coordinate(x axis); \draw[->] (0,0) -- (5.4,0) node[right] {$C$} coordinate(x axis); \draw[->] (0,0) -- (0,5.4) node[above] {$B$} coordinate(y axis); \draw[->] (0,0) -- (0,-5.4) node[below] {$D$} coordinate(y axis); \end{scope} %We will make the important lines. %They will be filled, and they make out the basics of the figure \begin{scope}[style=important line,very nearly opaque, text opacity=100] %Add %Green \draw[fill=green!40!white, ] (-\thelenA mm, 0mm) -- (0 mm,-\thelenD mm) --node[above left] {\threeAD} (0 mm, 0 mm) -- cycle ; %CD %Blue \draw[fill=blue!40!white] (\thelenC mm, 0mm) -- (0 mm,-\thelenD mm) -- node[right] {\threeCD} (0 mm, 0 mm) -- cycle; %BC %Yellow \draw[fill=yellow!40!white] (\thelenC mm, 0mm) -- (0 mm,\thelenB mm) -- (0 mm, 0 mm) node[above right] {\threeBC} -- cycle; %AB %Red \draw[fill=red!50!white] (-\thelenA mm, 0mm) -- (0 mm,\thelenB mm) -- (0 mm, 0 mm) node[above left] {\threeAB} -- cycle; \end{scope} \begin{scope}[style=axes, nearly opaque] %tiks on x-axis \foreach \x in {-5,-4,...,-.1} \draw (\x,.1pt) -- (\x,-.1pt) node[below] {\fpAbs{\xpos}{\x}\scriptsize \xpos 0}; \foreach \x in {5,4,...,.1} \draw[xshift=\x cm] (0,.1pt) -- (0,-.1pt) node[below] {\fpAbs{\xpos}{\x}\scriptsize \xpos 0}; %tiks p y-acis \foreach \y in {5,4,3,...,.1} \draw[yshift=\y cm] (-1.5pt,0pt) -- (1.5pt,0pt) node[right] {\fpAbs{\ypos}{\y} \scriptsize \ypos 0}; \foreach \y in {-5,-4,...,-.1} \draw[yshift=\y cm] (-1.5pt,0pt) -- (1.5pt,0pt) node[right] {\fpAbs{\ypos}{\y} \scriptsize \ypos 0}; \end{scope} \normalfont \end{tikzpicture} } \begin{document} \begin{figure} \centering \subfloat[Adam]{\svenstrup{28}{38}{31}{30}} \quad \subfloat[Ben]{\svenstrup{31}{37}{39}{31}}\\ \subfloat[Connie]{\svenstrup{37}{37}{32}{26}} \quad \subfloat[Dennis]{\svenstrup{38}{25}{26}{32}}\\ \subfloat[Eric]{\svenstrup{35}{27}{30}{35}} \quad \subfloat[Fritz]{\svenstrup{25}{34}{30}{23}} \end{figure} \end{document} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: t %%% End:
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