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% Author M.R.C. van Dongen % Draw parameterised pig. % This code can/should be improved by using the pgfkey library. \documentclass{minimal} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview} \PreviewEnvironment{tikzpicture} \setlength\PreviewBorder{5pt}% \usetikzlibrary{calc} \usepackage{keyval} \makeatletter % We're not using pgfkeys, and we've chosen to use keyval % for option parsing. The following define the keys for a % pig keyval family. The main purpose of the keys and % default values is that we want to be able to draw pigs % with predefined colours for certain parts and predefined % scaling factors for line thickness. \def\pig@draw@thick@width{0.85} \def\pig@draw@thin@width{0.20} \def\pig@label{pig label} \tikzset{draw thick/.style={draw=black,line width=0.85}} \tikzset{draw thin/.style={draw=black,line width=0.20}} \tikzset{fill colour/.style={fill=pink}} \tikzset{nose hole fill colour/.style={fill=purple!50!gray}} \tikzset{eye fill colour/.style={fill=white}} \tikzset{pupil fill colour/.style={fill=black}} \define@key{pig}{draw thick}{\def\draw@pig@thick@width{#1}} \define@key{pig}{draw thin}{\def\draw@pig@thin@width{#1}} \define@key{pig}{fill colour}{\tikzset{fill colour/.style={fill=#1}}} \define@key{pig}{nose hole fill colour}{\tikzset{nose hole fill colour/.style={fill=#1}}} \define@key{pig}{eye fill colour}{\tikzset{eye fill colour/.style={fill=#1}}} \define@key{pig}{pupil fill colour}{\tikzset{pupil fill colour/.style={fill=#1}}} \define@key{pig}{pig label}{\def\pig@label{#1}} \def\pig@scale{1} \def\pig{\@ifnextchar[\draw@pig{\draw@pig[]}} \def\draw@pig[#1]#2{% % Set the relative line width for thick lines. \def\draw@pig@thick@width{0.85} % Set the relative line width for thin lines. \def\draw@pig@thin@width{0.20} % Set the relative scale of the pig. \def\pig@scale{#2} \setkeys{pig}{#1} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=#2, draw thick/.style={draw=black,line width=\draw@pig@thick@width*\pig@scale}, draw thin/.style={draw=black,line width=\draw@pig@thin@width*\pig@scale}] \path (0,0) coordinate (\pig@label head) + (-0.005,-0.20) coordinate (\pig@label nose) + (-0.010,+0.05) coordinate (\pig@label body) + (-0.010,+0.45) coordinate (\pig@label tail); % Define points for tail. \foreach \number/\point in {1/{+0.000,+0.055},% 2/{-0.058,+0.075},% 3/{+0.044,+0.094},% 4/{-0.072,+0.137},% 5/{+0.048,+0.170},% 6/{-0.078,+0.206}} { \path (\pig@label tail) +(\point) coordinate (tail \number); } % Define points for ears and legs. \foreach \offset in {-1,1} { \path (\pig@label head) ++ (+0.12*\offset,+0.00) coordinate (ear pt 1 \offset) + (-0.04*\offset,+0.07) coordinate (ear pt 2 \offset) + (-0.02*\offset,+0.25) coordinate (ear pt 3 \offset) + (+0.11*\offset,+0.25) coordinate (ear pt 4 \offset) + (+0.14*\offset,+0.13) coordinate (ear pt 5 \offset) + (+0.09*\offset,-0.06) coordinate (ear pt 6 \offset) (\pig@label head) ++ (+0.09*\offset,-0.30) coordinate (leg 1 \offset) ++ (+0.01*\offset,-0.24) coordinate (leg 2 \offset) ++ (+0.04*\offset,+0.08) coordinate (leg 3 \offset) ++ (+0.04*\offset,-0.08) coordinate (leg 4 \offset) ++ (+0.02*\offset,+0.30) coordinate (leg 5 \offset); } % draw legs. \foreach \number in {-1,1} { \filldraw[fill colour,draw thick] (leg 1 \number) -- (leg 2 \number) -- (leg 3 \number) -- (leg 4 \number) -- (leg 5 \number) -- cycle; } % draw tail. \draw[draw thick,line join=round,line cap=round] (\pig@label tail) \foreach \num in {1,...,6} { -- (tail \num)}; % draw body. \draw[fill colour,draw thick] (\pig@label body) ellipse (4.50mm and 4.10mm); % draw ears. \foreach \number in {-1,1} { % ears \filldraw[fill colour,draw thick] (ear pt 1 \number) .. controls (ear pt 2 \number) and (ear pt 3 \number) .. (ear pt 4 \number) .. controls (ear pt 5 \number) and (ear pt 6 \number) .. (ear pt 1 \number); } % draw nose. \filldraw[fill colour,draw thick] (\pig@label head) ellipse (1.42mm and 1.40mm); \foreach \offset in {-1,1} { \filldraw[draw thin,eye fill colour] (\pig@label head) ++ (-0.006,0.00) ++ (0.055*\offset,+0.03) coordinate (eye \offset) ellipse (0.04 and 0.060); \fill[pupil fill colour] (eye \offset) ellipse (0.020 and 0.035); } \filldraw[fill colour,draw thick] (\pig@label nose) ellipse (2.60mm and 1.72mm); % Draw nose holes \foreach \offset in {-1,1} { \filldraw[draw thick,nose hole fill colour] (\pig@label nose) ++ (\offset*0.080,0) ellipse (0.50mm and 0.85mm); } \end{tikzpicture} } \makeatother \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \draw (0,0) node[anchor=south]{\pig{3}} (4,0) node[anchor=south]{\pig[nose hole fill colour=purple!20,fill colour=blue!40]{5}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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