The KASCADE experiment is a 200 × 200 m array detecting cosmic rays. It consists of 252 detector stations spaced 13 m apart and has taken data from 1996 to 2009. It continued to host a few guest experiments, including LOPES, TAUWER and HiSPARC, until early 2013. This map shows the layout of KASCADE and the location of the HiSPARC station. This figure is a minor revision of the one included in [my PhD thesis](

Edit and compile if you like:
% Map of a HiSPARC detector inside the KASCADE experiment % Author: David Fokkema \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview} \PreviewEnvironment{center} \setlength\PreviewBorder{10pt}% \usetikzlibrary{spy,arrows} \usepackage[detect-all]{siunitx} \newcommand{\hisparcbox}[1]{% \path[hisparc,#1] (-.4, .7) .. controls (0, .75) .. (.4, .7) -- (.35, -1.7) .. controls(0, -1.72) .. (-.35, -1.7) -- cycle; } \begin{document} \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture} [ x=.5mm, y=.5mm, font={\sffamily}, station/.style={fill=gray}, hut/.style={fill=lightgray}, cluster/.style={fill=yellow!30, rounded corners=2pt}, road/.style={fill=blue!10}, calorimeter/.style={fill=green!30}, tracker/.style={fill=red!30}, hisparc/.style={fill=red, rounded corners=.15pt}, hisparcgps/.style={fill=red}, axis/.style={gray,very thick,->,>=stealth'}, ruler/.style={gray,|<->|,>=stealth'}, spy using outlines={red, circle, magnification=4, size=25 * 4, connect spies} ] % Clusters \foreach \i in {-1.5, -0.5, ..., 1.5} { \foreach \j in {-1.5, -0.5, ..., 1.5} { \path[cluster, shift={(\i * 52, \j * 52)}] (-22, -22) rectangle (22, 22); } } % Roads \foreach \i in {-1.5, -0.5, ..., 1.5} { \path[road, shift={(0, \i * 52 + 2)}] (-105, -1.5) rectangle (105, 1.5); } % Detector array \foreach \i in {-7.5, -6.5, ..., 7.5} { \foreach \j in {-7.5, -6.5, ..., 7.5} { \path[station, shift={(\i * 13, \j * 13)}] (-1.2, -1.2) rectangle (1.2, 1.2); } } % Two detectors are slightly displaced \path[station, shift={(-6.5, 23.5)}] (-1.2, -1.2) rectangle (1.2, 1.2); \path[station, shift={(6.5, 23.5)}] (-1.2, -1.2) rectangle (1.2, 1.2); % Electronic huts \foreach \i in {-1.5, -0.5, ..., 1.5} { \foreach \j in {-1.5, -0.5, ..., 1.5} { \path[hut, shift={(\i * 52, \j * 52 - 1.5)}] (-2.5, -1.2) rectangle (2.5, 1.2); } } % Central detector \fill[white] (-13, -13) rectangle (13, 21); \path[calorimeter, shift={(0, 5)}] (-10, -8) rectangle (10, 8); % Muon tracker \path[tracker, shift={(0, 4)}] (-2.7, 32.5) rectangle (2.7, 70.5); % HiSPARC station \hisparcbox{shift={(65.0, 15.05)}, rotate=180} \hisparcbox{shift={(65.0, 20.82)}, rotate=180} \hisparcbox{shift={(70.0, 23.71)}, rotate=-90} \hisparcbox{shift={(60.0, 23.71)}, rotate=90} \path[hisparcgps, shift={(65.0, 23.71)}] (0, 0) circle (.3); % Draw rulers \draw[ruler] (-97.5, -105) -- (97.5, -105) node[midway,below] {\SI{195}{\meter}}; \draw[ruler] (84.5, 105) -- (97.5, 105) node[midway,above] {\SI{13}{\meter}}; \draw[ruler] (-105, -97.5) -- (-105, 97.5) node[midway,above,sloped] {\SI{195}{\meter}}; \draw[ruler] (105, 84.5) -- (105, 97.5) node[midway,below,sloped] {\SI{13}{\meter}}; % Spy \spy on (65.0, 20.82) in node at (30, -50); \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \end{document}
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