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% Author: Amir Etemadi % Drawing: Modernized Islamic Art % October 15, 2011 \documentclass{minimal} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview} \PreviewEnvironment{tikzpicture} \setlength\PreviewBorder{5pt}% \usepackage{calc} \usetikzlibrary{spy} %The base shape for this drawing is constructed by line segments % of two lengths: \longd & \shortd \newlength\longd \newlength\shortd \setlength{\longd}{0.5cm} \setlength{\shortd}{0.2cm} % The base shape is created by defining a new command. %Polar coordination is used to find the important vertices. % Some of the corners are rounded and others are sharp. % The base shape is shaded using \shade draw command. % The new command has three parameters which define %the inner color, the outer color, and the border color. \newcommand{\myshape}[3]{ \shadedraw[inner color=#1,outer color=#2, draw=#3 ] (O)[rounded corners=4pt] -- ++(90:\longd)[sharp corners] -- ++(210:\shortd)[rounded corners=4pt] -- ++(150:\shortd) -- ++(30:\longd)-- ++(330:\longd)[sharp corners] -- ++(210:\shortd)[rounded corners=4pt] -- ++(150:\shortd)-- ++(-90:\longd) -- ++(90-120:\longd) [sharp corners]-- ++(210-120:\shortd)[rounded corners=4pt] -- ++(150-120:\shortd)-- ++(30-120:\longd) -- ++(330-120:\longd)[sharp corners] -- ++(210-120:\shortd)[rounded corners=4pt]-- ++(150-120:\shortd)-- ++(-90-120:\longd) -- ++(90-240:\longd) [sharp corners]-- ++(210-240:\shortd)[rounded corners=4pt] -- ++(150-240:\shortd) -- ++(30-240:\longd) -- ++(330-240:\longd)[sharp corners] -- ++(210-240:\shortd)[rounded corners=4pt] -- ++(150-240:\shortd)-- cycle; } \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.6, spy using outlines={circle, magnification=4, size=3cm, connect spies}] \begin{scope} %Scope environment is used to limit the clip command \clip [rounded corners] (.5,.5) rectangle (7.5,7.5); %The base shape is repeatedly drawn using loop comands. \foreach \y in {0,.9,..., 9} % {0, 4.5*\shortd, ..., n*4.5*\shortd} { \foreach \x in {0,1.55884,..., 7.79423} %{0, sqrt(3)*4.5*\shortd,..., upper limit} { \coordinate (O) at (\x,\y); \myshape{white}{black}{black}; } } \foreach \y in {-0.45,.45,..., 8.6} %{0-4.5*\shortd/2, 4.5*\shortd/2,..., n*4.5*\shortd} { \foreach \x in {0.779422,2.338267,..., 10} %{0.5*sqrt(3)*4.5*\shortd, 1.5*sqrt(3)*4.5*\shortd/2,...,upper lim} { \coordinate (O) at (\x,\y); \myshape{white}{black}{black}; } } \end{scope} \draw [rounded corners, very thick] (.5,.5) rectangle (7.5,7.5); \spy [cyan] on (5.4,2.3) in node [left] at (5.4,-1.15); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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