A schematic drawing of a file folder using basic TikZ commands. Measures were taken by hand from a real german file folder for A4 documents.
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% File folder with archived pages % Author: Leo Arnold % Contact: tex@arney.de % License: CC BY-SA 3.0 \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview} \PreviewEnvironment{tikzpicture} \setlength\PreviewBorder{1cm}% \begin{document} % Scale to your needs \scalebox{0.2}{ % All measures in centimeters \begin{tikzpicture} % Basic cardboard \draw[fill=black] (-32,0) rectangle (32,32); \draw[fill=gray!50] (-31.6,0.4) rectangle (31.6,31.6); % Fold lines \foreach \i in {-1, 1} { \draw[loosely dashed, line width=1mm] (\i*3.5,0.5) -- (\i*3.5,31.5); } % Finger hole \draw[fill=white, line width=2mm] (0,8.8) circle (1.5); % Metal plate \draw[fill=gray, line width=1mm, rounded corners] (4,11.6) rectangle (9,20.4); \foreach \i in {0, 1, 2} { % Filed pages \draw[fill=white, very thin, shift={(-\i*0.2,\i*0.2)}] (7.8,1.1) rectangle (28.8,30.9); % Punched holes \draw[fill=white, shift={(-\i*0.2,\i*0.2)}] (9,12) circle (0.25); \draw[fill=white, shift={(-\i*0.2,\i*0.2)}] (9,20) circle (0.25); } \foreach \i in {0, 1} { % Metal skewers \draw[line cap=round, line width=3mm, shift={(0,\i*8)}] (4.4,12) -- (4.4,15) to [controls=+(90:2) and +(90:2)] (8.6,15) -- (8.6,12.4); % Holes opposite to skewers \draw[fill=white, line width=2mm, rounded corners=4mm, shift={(0,\i*8)}] (-8.8,11.6) rectangle (-4.8,12.4); } \end{tikzpicture} } \end{document}
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