This table shows one year of daily average temperatures and rainfall data from a handful of weather stations in Norway. The report was generated from a data set downloaded from A Python script was used to do the necessary data crunching and text formatting. For details about the plotting, see my first sparklines experiment entry.
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\documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{dcolumn} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{lscape} \begin{document} \pagestyle{empty} \input{weatherdata.txt} % Plot a tiny temperature graph % Input: % #1 Plot data % #2 Mark indices % #3 Mean temperature \newcommand{\tempplot}[3]{% \begin{tikzpicture}[xscale=0.01, yscale=0.01] \draw[ultra thin, black!50] (1,0)--(365,0); \draw[ultra thin, black!20] (1,#3)--(365,#3); \draw[ultra thin] plot[smooth,mark=*, mark indices={#2}, mark options={color=red,scale=20}] #1; \end{tikzpicture}% } % Plot a tiny rainfall bar chart % Input: % #1 Rainfall data % #2 Mean rainfall \newcommand{\rainplot}[2]{% \begin{tikzpicture}[xscale=0.01, yscale=0.01] \begin{scope}[ycomb, yscale=0.5] \draw[ultra thin, black!20] (1,#2)--(365,#2); \draw[black!80, line width=0.1mm] plot #1; \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture}% } \newcolumntype{.}{D{.}{.}{2}} \begin{tabular}{lc...c..} \multicolumn{8}{c}{Weather station data 2005}\\\toprule Weather station & Average temperatures (${}^\circ$C) & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Min} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Mean} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Max} & Daily rainfall (mm)& \multicolumn{1}{c}{Mean} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Max}\\\midrule RYGGE & \tempplot{coordinates {\ryggeTEMPDATA}} {61,190}{7.5} & -10.5 & 7.5 & 23.8 & \rainplot{coordinates {\ryggeRAINDATA}}{2.0} & 2.0 & 34.8 \\ NESBYEN - TODOKK & \tempplot{coordinates {\nesbyentodokkTEMPDATA}} {353,184}{4.8} & -16.8 & 4.8 & 21.8 & \rainplot{coordinates {\nesbyentodokkRAINDATA}}{1.2} & 1.2 & 35.9 \\ TORUNGEN FYR & \tempplot{coordinates {\torungenfyrTEMPDATA}} {61,191}{8.5} & -6.0 & 8.5 & 21.8 & \rainplot{coordinates {\torungenfyrRAINDATA}}{2.1} & 2.1 & 35.9 \\ SOLA & \tempplot{coordinates {\solaTEMPDATA}} {61,231}{8.5} & -4.6 & 8.5 & 19.7 & \rainplot{coordinates {\solaRAINDATA}}{3.6} & 3.6 & 48.1 \\ GARDERMOEN & \tempplot{coordinates {\gardermoenTEMPDATA}} {61,204}{5.4} & -15.4 & 5.4 & 19.4 & \rainplot{coordinates {\gardermoenRAINDATA}}{2.0} & 2.0 & 48.5 \\ BERGEN - FLORIDA & \tempplot{coordinates {\bergenfloridaTEMPDATA}} {363,190}{8.4} & -5.3 & 8.4 & 19.3 & \rainplot{coordinates {\bergenfloridaRAINDATA}}{8.4} & 8.4 & 156.5 \\ LÆRDAL - MOLDO & \tempplot{coordinates {\lrdalmoldoTEMPDATA}} {61,284}{7.0} & -11.5 & 7.0 & 20.7 & \rainplot{coordinates {\lrdalmoldoRAINDATA}}{1.8} & 1.8 & 58.1 \\ TAFJORD & \tempplot{coordinates {\tafjordTEMPDATA}} {61,186}{7.9} & -5.8 & 7.9 & 22.6 & \rainplot{coordinates {\tafjordRAINDATA}}{3.2} & 3.2 & 64.5 \\ VÆRNES & \tempplot{coordinates {\vrnesTEMPDATA}} {58,183}{6.5} & -13.7 & 6.5 & 24.0 & \rainplot{coordinates {\vrnesRAINDATA}}{2.5} & 2.5 & 37.0 \\ RENA - HAUGEDALEN & \tempplot{coordinates {\renahaugedalenTEMPDATA}} {351,190}{3.8} & -19.8 & 3.8 & 22.4 & \rainplot{coordinates {\renahaugedalenRAINDATA}}{1.9} & 1.9 & 26.6 \\ BODØ VI & \tempplot{coordinates {\bodviTEMPDATA}} {60,185}{5.7} & -8.2 & 5.7 & 22.1 & \rainplot{coordinates {\bodviRAINDATA}}{4.0} & 4.0 & 39.5 \\ TROMSØ & \tempplot{coordinates {\tromsTEMPDATA}} {75,188}{4.1} & -8.4 & 4.1 & 19.3 & \rainplot{coordinates {\tromsRAINDATA}}{3.5} & 3.5 & 38.5 \\ KAUTOKEINO & \tempplot{coordinates {\kautokeinoTEMPDATA}} {45,189}{-0.5} & -29.9 & -0.5 & 21.1 & \rainplot{coordinates {\kautokeinoRAINDATA}}{1.5} & 1.5 & 18.8 \\ NY-ÅLESUND & \tempplot{coordinates {\nylesundTEMPDATA}} {71,188}{-3.4} & -24.4 & -3.4 & 13.2 & \rainplot{coordinates {\nylesundRAINDATA}}{0.9} & 0.9 & 29.1 \\ JAN MAYEN & \tempplot{coordinates {\janmayenTEMPDATA}} {97,203}{0.6} & -11.6 & 0.6 & 11.1 & \rainplot{coordinates {\janmayenRAINDATA}}{2.0} & 2.0 & 23.3 \\\bottomrule \end{tabular} %\end{landscape} \end{document}
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