A simple example of a probability tree diagram.


Edit and compile if you like:




% Set the overall layout of the tree
\tikzstyle{level 1}=[level distance=3.5cm, sibling distance=3.5cm]
\tikzstyle{level 2}=[level distance=3.5cm, sibling distance=2cm]

% Define styles for bags and leafs
\tikzstyle{bag} = [text width=4em, text centered]
\tikzstyle{end} = [circle, minimum width=3pt,fill, inner sep=0pt]

% The sloped option gives rotated edge labels. Personally
% I find sloped labels a bit difficult to read. Remove the sloped options
% to get horizontal labels. 
\begin{tikzpicture}[grow=right, sloped]
\node[bag] {Bag 1 $4W, 3B$}
    child {
        node[bag] {Bag 2 $4W, 5B$}        
            child {
                node[end, label=right:
                    {$P(W_1\cap W_2)=\frac{4}{7}\cdot\frac{4}{9}$}] {}
                edge from parent
                node[above] {$W$}
                node[below]  {$\frac{4}{9}$}
            child {
                node[end, label=right:
                    {$P(W_1\cap B_2)=\frac{4}{7}\cdot\frac{5}{9}$}] {}
                edge from parent
                node[above] {$B$}
                node[below]  {$\frac{5}{9}$}
            edge from parent 
            node[above] {$W$}
            node[below]  {$\frac{4}{7}$}
    child {
        node[bag] {Bag 2 $3W, 6B$}        
        child {
                node[end, label=right:
                    {$P(B_1\cap W_2)=\frac{3}{7}\cdot\frac{3}{9}$}] {}
                edge from parent
                node[above] {$B$}
                node[below]  {$\frac{3}{9}$}
            child {
                node[end, label=right:
                    {$P(B_1\cap B_2)=\frac{3}{7}\cdot\frac{6}{9}$}] {}
                edge from parent
                node[above] {$W$}
                node[below]  {$\frac{6}{9}$}
        edge from parent         
            node[above] {$B$}
            node[below]  {$\frac{3}{7}$}


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