Demonstration of tzbondgraph.sty, a macro package for drawing bond graphs.

To compile the example you will need the following style file:

The macros are documented in the file bgElements.pdf (tex source)


Edit and compile if you like:

% Demonstration of tzbondgraph.sty, a macro package for drawing bond graphs.
% Author: B. Umesh Rai


        \node (up) [point,above of=etop,xshift=-0.4cm,yshift=2.5cm]  {};
        \node (sig) [point,above of=etop,yshift=2cm]  {};
        \draw (sig) -- node[rotate=90,left,yshift=0.2cm,near start] 
            {$K_\phi = K_f \times i_f $} (etop);
    \caption{Bond graph model of a DC motor}


Click to download: bond-graph.texbond-graph.pdf
Open in Overleaf: bond-graph.tex