The structure of an assignment illustrated using a flow chart. Labels are in Danish.

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% Author: Rasmus Pank Roulund \documentclass{minimal} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{calc,trees,positioning,arrows,chains,shapes.geometric,% decorations.pathreplacing,decorations.pathmorphing,shapes,% matrix,shapes.symbols} \tikzset{ >=stealth', punktchain/.style={ rectangle, rounded corners, % fill=black!10, draw=black, very thick, text width=10em, minimum height=3em, text centered, on chain}, line/.style={draw, thick, <-}, element/.style={ tape, top color=white, bottom color=blue!50!black!60!, minimum width=8em, draw=blue!40!black!90, very thick, text width=10em, minimum height=3.5em, text centered, on chain}, every join/.style={->, thick,shorten >=1pt}, decoration={brace}, tuborg/.style={decorate}, tubnode/.style={midway, right=2pt}, } \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} [node distance=.8cm, start chain=going below,] \node[punktchain, join] (intro) {Introduktion}; \node[punktchain, join] (probf) {Problemformulering}; \node[punktchain, join] (investeringer) {Investeringsteori}; \node[punktchain, join] (perfekt) {Det perfekte kapitalmarked}; \node[punktchain, join, ] (emperi) {Emperi}; \node (asym) [punktchain ] {Asymmetrisk information}; \begin{scope}[start branch=venstre, %We need to redefine the join-style to have the -> turn out right every join/.style={->, thick, shorten <=1pt}, ] \node[punktchain, on chain=going left, join=by {<-}] (risiko) {Risiko og gamble}; \end{scope} \begin{scope}[start branch=hoejre,] \node (finans) [punktchain, on chain=going right] {Det finansielle system}; \end{scope} \node[punktchain, join,] (disk) {Det imperfekte finansielle marked}; \node[punktchain, join,] (makro) {Investeringsmæssige konsekvenser}; \node[punktchain, join] (konk) {Konklusion}; % Now that we have finished the main figure let us add some "after-drawings" %% First, let us connect (finans) with (disk). We want it to have %% square corners. \draw[|-,-|,->, thick,] (finans.south) |-+(0,-1em)-| (disk.north); % Now, let us add some braches. %% No. 1 \draw[tuborg] let \p1=(risiko.west), \p2=(finans.east) in ($(\x1,\y1+2.5em)$) -- ($(\x2,\y2+2.5em)$) node[above, midway] {Teori}; %% No. 2 \draw[tuborg, decoration={brace}] let \p1=(disk.north), \p2=(makro.south) in ($(2, \y1)$) -- ($(2, \y2)$) node[tubnode] {Analyse}; %% No. 3 \draw[tuborg, decoration={brace}] let \p1=(perfekt.north), \p2=(emperi.south) in ($(2, \y1)$) -- ($(2, \y2)$) node[tubnode] {Problemfelt}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: t %%% End:
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