Edit and compile if you like:
% Rule based diagram % Author: Remus Mihail Prunescu \documentclass{minimal} \usepackage[a4paper,margin=1cm,landscape]{geometry} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview} \PreviewEnvironment{tikzpicture} \setlength\PreviewBorder{5pt}% \usetikzlibrary{positioning,shadows,arrows} \begin{document} \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}[ fact/.style={rectangle, draw=none, rounded corners=1mm, fill=blue, drop shadow, text centered, anchor=north, text=white}, state/.style={circle, draw=none, fill=orange, circular drop shadow, text centered, anchor=north, text=white}, leaf/.style={circle, draw=none, fill=red, circular drop shadow, text centered, anchor=north, text=white}, level distance=0.5cm, growth parent anchor=south ] \node (State00) [state] {$S_{00}$} [->] child{ node (Fact01) [fact] {$T_{01}$} child{ [sibling distance=9cm] node (State01) [state] {$S_{01}$} child{ node (Fact02) [fact] {$T_{02}$} child{ [sibling distance=4cm] node (State02) [state] {$S_{02}$} child{ node (Fact03) [fact] {$T_{03}$} child{ node (State03) [leaf] {$S_{03}$} } } child{ node (Fact04) [fact] {$T_{04}$} child{ [sibling distance=1.2cm] node (State04) [state] {$S_{04}$} child{ node (Fact05) [fact] {$T_{05}$} child{ node (State05) [leaf] {$S_{05}$} } } child{ node (Fact06) [fact] {$T_{06}$} child{ node (State06) [leaf] {$S_{06}$} } } child{ node (Fact07) [fact] {$T_{07}$} child{ node (State07) [leaf] {$S_{07}$} } } child{ node (Fact08) [fact] {$T_{08}$} child{ node (State08) [leaf] {$S_{08}$} } } child{ node (Fact09) [fact] {$T_{09.0}$} child{ node (Fact09-1) [fact] {$T_{09.1}$} child{ node (State09) [leaf] {$S_{09}$} } } } } } } } child{ [sibling distance=4cm] node (Fact10) [fact] {$T_{10}$} child{ node (State10) [state] {$S_{10}$} child{ node (Fact11) [fact] {$T_{11}$} child{ node (State11) [leaf] {$S_{11}$} } } child{ node (Fact12) [fact] {$T_{12}$} child{ node (State12) [state] {$S_{12}$} child{ node (Fact13) [fact] {$T_{13}$} child{ node (State13) [leaf] {$S_{13}$} } } child{ node (Fact14) [fact] {$T_{14}$} child{ [sibling distance=3cm] node (State14) [state] {$S_{14}$} child{ node (Fact15) [fact] {$T_{15}$} child{ node (State15) [leaf] {$S_{15}$} } } child{ node (Fact16) [fact] {$T_{16}$} child{ node (State16) [leaf] {$S_{16}$} } } child{ node (Fact17) [fact] {$T_{17}$} child{ [sibling distance=1.2cm] node (State17) [state] {$S_{17}$} child{ node (Fact18) [fact] {$T_{18}$} child{ node (State18) [leaf] {$S_{18}$} } } child{ node (Fact19) [fact] {$T_{19}$} child{ node (State19) [leaf] {$S_{19}$} } } child{ node (Fact20) [fact] {$T_{20}$} child{ node (State20) [leaf] {$S_{20}$} } } child{ node (Fact21) [fact] {$T_{21}$} child{ node (State21) [leaf] {$S_{21}$} } } child{ node (Fact22) [fact] {$T_{22.0}$} child{ node (Fact22-1) [fact] {$T_{22.1}$} child{ node (State22) [leaf] {$S_{22}$} } } } } } } } } } } } } } ; \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \end{document}
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