This graph diagram presents the basic Philosophy concepts of dialectics, opposition and innovation.
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\documentclass[tikz, border=10pt]{standalone} \tikzset{ vertex/.style = { circle, fill = black, outer sep = 2pt, inner sep = 1pt, } } \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} % Dialectics \node[draw] (Thesis) at (0,0) {Thesis}; \node[draw,fill=black,text=white] (Antithesis) at (2.3,0) {Antithesis}; \node[draw,fill=gray,text=white] (Synthesis) at (1,2) {Synthesis}; \draw node[vertex] (Joint) at (1,0) {}; \draw[-,draw=blue] (Thesis) to (Joint); \draw[-,draw=blue] (Antithesis) to (Joint); \draw[->,draw=blue] (Joint) to (Synthesis); \draw[->,draw=blue] (Synthesis) to[in=180,out=180] (Thesis); \node at (1.0, -1.0) {\textit{a) Dialectics}}; % Opposition \node[draw] (ArgumentA) at (5,0) {Argument}; \node[draw,fill=black,text=white] (ArgumentB) at (7.5,0) {Opposition}; \draw[->,draw=blue] (ArgumentA) to (ArgumentB); \node at (6., -1.0) {\textit{b) Opposition}}; % Innovation \node[draw] (ArgumentA) at (10.1,0) {Argument}; \node[draw,fill=black,text=white] (ArgumentB) at (13,0) {Opposition}; \node[draw,fill=yellow] (ArgumentC) at (12,2) {Innovation}; \draw node[vertex] (Joint) at (11.5,0) {}; \draw[-] (ArgumentA) to (Joint); \draw[-] (ArgumentB) to (Joint); \draw[->,draw=blue] (Joint) to (ArgumentC); \node at (11.5, -1.0) {\textit{c) Innovation}}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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