An example how to modify the calendar drawing code so Sundays are drawn as the first day of the week; it also shows how to make your own conditions to be used with ifdate. In this example I use matrices to group the months.

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\documentclass{article}% An example how to use the calendar library and modify the layout, i.e. put% Sunday as the first week day.%% Author: Berteun Damman\usepackage{tikz}\usetikzlibrary{calendar}\usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview}\PreviewEnvironment{tikzpicture}\setlength\PreviewBorder{5pt}%\begin{document}\makeatletter% This way you can define your own conditions, for example, you% could make something as `full moon', `even week', `odd week',% et cetera. In principle. The math in TeX could be hard.\pgfkeys{/pgf/calendar/start of year/.code={%\ifnum\pgfcalendarifdateday=1\relax%\ifnum\pgfcalendarifdatemonth=1\relax\pgfcalendarmatchestrue\fi%\fi%}}%% Define our own style\tikzstyle{week list sunday}=[% Note that we cannot extend from week list,% the execute before day scope is cumulativeexecute before day scope={%\ifdate{day of month=1}{\ifdate{equals=\pgfcalendarbeginiso}{}{% On first of month, except when first date in calendar.\pgfmathsetlength{\pgf@y}{\tikz@lib@cal@month@yshift}%\pgftransformyshift{-\pgf@y}}}{}%},execute at begin day scope={%% Because for TikZ Monday is 0 and Sunday is 6,% we can't directly use \pgfcalendercurrentweekday,% but instead we define \c@pgf@counta (basically) as:% (\pgfcalendercurrentweekday + 1) % 7
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