Supersonic nozzle technical drawing

This is a cold air supersonic nozzle I used for my master thesis. The super sonic flow is reachable with a total upstream pressure of 7.7bar.


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% Supersonic technical drawing
% Author: Michele Muccioli

thickness/.store in = \thickness,
thickness           = 0.5pt
%-> New if

%-> New TeX dimensions

% x=, y=
%  \pgfmathparse{#1}%
%  \let\iftikz@isdimension=\ifpgfmathunitsdeclared%

% output scale
%  \pgf@pt@x=\pgf@x%
%  \pgf@pt@y=\pgf@y%
%  \let\pgf@pt@aa=\pgf@tempaa%
%  \let\pgf@pt@ba=\pgf@tempba%
%  \let\pgf@pt@ab=\pgf@tempab%
%  \let\pgf@pt@bb=\pgf@tempbb%
%  \def\pgf@trans@idtest{#1,#2,#3,#4}%
%  \ifx\pgf@trans@idtest\pgf@trans@idtext%
%  \else%
%    \pgf@pt@identityfalse%->\ifpgf@pt@identity
%  \fi%

%-> Horizontal dimension
% Setting needed dimensions from pgfkeys values.
\pgfmathsetlength{\dim@text@translation}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/decoration/text translation}}
% Setting text to write from pgfkeys value.
% The overline verse (where it points. Positive or negative) depends
% on dimension sep and angle of the segment to dimension.
	% Case with positive dimension sep.
	% Normal behaviour.
	% Case with negative dimension sep.
	% The value of dimension overline I is different from
	% dimension overline II and it depends on the
	% quadrant where the the segment is.
	\pgfmathparse{abs(\dim@sep) Vertical dimension (NOT UTILISED IN THE FOLLOWING DRAWING)
% Setting needed dimensions from pgfkeys values.
\pgfmathsetlength{\dim@text@translation}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/decoration/text translation}}
% Setting text to write from pgfkeys value.
% The overline verse (where it points. Positive or negative) depends
% on dimension sep and angle of the segment to dimension.
	% Case with positive dimension sep.
	% Normal behaviour.
	% Case with negative dimension sep.
	% The value of dimension overline I is different from
	% dimension overline II and it depends on the
	% quadrant where the the segment is.
		% Third quadrant
		% Node drawing. It can be translate along the path with
		% text translation option.
		% In this case, the node must e rotated.
		% Capturing the TikZ picture font size
		% Drawing the connection segments.
		% Check if the first connection line must be drawn.
		% Check if the second connection line must be drawn.
		% Draw an extra line if node text lies outside of the
		% dimension.
		% First quadrant
		% Node drawing. It can be translate along the path with
		% text translation option.
		% In this case, the node must e rotated.
		% Capturing the TikZ picture font size
		% Drawing the connection segments.
		% Check if the first dimension connection must be drawn.
		% Check if the second dimension connection must be drawn.
		% Draw an extra line if node text lies outside of the
		% dimension.
		\pgfmathparse{abs(.5\dim@y) Along the dimension
% Check if the dimension inserted has unit
% Overline value if function of the sep sign.
\pgfmathsetlength{\dim@text@translation}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/decoration/text translation}}
% Setting the text to be inserted into the dimension node.
% Capturing the TikZ picture font size
% Check if the first connection line mus b drawn
% Check if the first connection line mus b drawn
% Draw an extra line if node text lies outside of the
% dimension.
\pgfmathparse{abs(.5*\pgfdecoratedpathlength) Initial values
         distance/.initial         = 10pt,
         overline/.initial         = 1mm,
         text/.initial             = {},
         text translation/.initial = 0pt,
         text node name/.store in  = \dim@text@nodename,
         text node name            = dim_text,
         >/.store in               = \dim@arrow@type,
         >                         = latex,
         connection/.is if         = @dim@connection,
         connection                = false,
         font/.store in            = \dim@text@font,
         font                      = \tikz@textfont,


\begin{tikzpicture}[x         = 1mm,
                    y         = 1mm,
                    >         = latex,
                    line join = round,
                    font      = \small]

%-> Origin definition
\coordinate (o) at (0,0);

%-> Nozzle
% Symmetric characteristic is used in a
% foreach command where the cycle is made
% for upper part (up) with positive sign (+)
% and lower part (down) with negative sign (-)
\foreach \pos/\sign in {up/+,down/-}{

%%-> Points definitions
\coordinate (A\pos)        at ($(o)+(0,\sign11.5)$);
\coordinate (B\pos)        at ($(A\pos)+(0,\sign5.075)$);
\coordinate (C\pos)        at ($(B\pos)+(20,0)$);
\coordinate (D\pos)        at ($(C\pos)+(0,-\sign1.575)$);
\coordinate (E\pos)        at ($(D\pos)+(10,0)$);
\coordinate (F\pos)        at ($(E\pos)+(0,\sign11)$);
\coordinate (G\pos)        at ($(F\pos)+(0,\sign8)$);
\coordinate (H\pos)        at ($(G\pos)+(0,\sign6)$);
\coordinate (I\pos)        at ($(H\pos)+(10,0)$);
\coordinate (L\pos)        at (G\pos-|I\pos);
\coordinate (M\pos)        at (F\pos-|I\pos);
\coordinate (N\pos)        at (E\pos-|I\pos);
\coordinate (O\pos)        at ($(N\pos)+(100,0)$);
\coordinate (P\pos)        at ($(O\pos)+(10,-\sign10)$);
\coordinate (throat_\pos)  at ($(P\pos)-(43.8,\sign1.15)$);
\coordinate (IN_\pos)      at ($(A\pos)+(92.74,0)$);
\coordinate (center1_\pos) at ($(o)+(92.74,\sign4.5)$);
\coordinate (center2_\pos) at ($(throat_\pos)+(0,\sign7)$);

%%-> Draw nozzle main body
      pattern    = section,
      line width = 1.1pt]

%%-> Draw holes on the flange
\draw[fill       = white,
      line width = 1.1pt] (G\pos)rectangle(M\pos);

%%-> Draw symmetric axis on flange holes
\draw[dash pattern = on 3pt off 5pt on 6pt off 5pt,
      line width   = 1pt] ($(F\pos)!.5!(G\pos)-(5,0)$)--

%%-> screw drawing
\draw[dashed] (D\pos)--(D\pos-|A\pos);

%%-> Nozzle input and output closure
\draw[line width = 1.1pt](Adown)--(Aup)

%%-> Nozzle symmetry line
\draw[dash pattern = on 3pt off 5pt on 6pt off 5pt,
      line width   = 1pt] ($(Adown)!.5!(Aup)-(5,0)$)--($(Pdown)!.5!(Pup)+(5,0)$);

% Macro to see the dimension
% inserted. For debug.
%\dimensiontrue % if true, you will see the dimension number (%x) on the draw
\def\SeeDim#1{\ifdimension\global\advance\Ndim by 1 \the\Ndim\else#1\fi}
%-> 1
\Hdimension[text      = \SeeDim{10},
            distance  = 3]  (Hup) --  (Iup);

%-> 2
\Hdimension[text     = \SeeDim{10},
            distance = 3] (Cup)--(Hup);

%-> 3
\Hdimension[text     = \SeeDim{20},
            distance = 26.425] (Bup)--(Cup);

%-> 4
\Hdimension[text     = \SeeDim{100},
            distance = 3] (Iup)--(Oup);

%-> 5
\Hdimension[text     = \SeeDim{10},
            distance = 28] (Oup)--(Pup);

%-> 6
\dimension[text     = \SeeDim{\diameter30},
           distance = -25] (Odown)--(Oup);

%-> 7
\Hdimension[text     = \SeeDim{43.8},
            distance = -48.15] (throat_down)--(Odown);

%-> 8
\Hdimension[text     = \SeeDim{92.74},
            distance = -40.5] (IN_down)--(Bdown);

%-> 9
\dimension[text             = \SeeDim{\diameter7.7},
           text translation = -7mm,
           distance         = 20] (throat_down)--(throat_up);

%-> 10
\dimension[text     = \SeeDim{\diameter10},
           distance = -8] (Pdown)--(Pup);

%-> 11 (by hand)
\draw[->] (center1_up)--++(45:7)node[sloped,
                                     above     = .4mm,
                                     pos       = .3,
                                     inner sep = 0.5pt]{\SeeDim{R7}};

%-> 12 (by hand)
\draw[->] (center2_up)--++(225:7)node[above     = .4mm,
                                      pos       = .4,
                                      inner sep = 0.5pt,
                                      rotate    = 45,
                                      fill      = white]{\SeeDim{R7}};

%-> 13 (by hand)
\coordinate (raccordo_up)   at ($(center1_up)+(45:7)$);
\coordinate (raccordo_down) at ($(center1_down)+(-45:7)$);
\draw (raccordo_up)--++(135:20);
\draw (raccordo_down)--++(225:20);
\path[name path=C1](raccordo_up)--++(-45:20);
\path[name path=C2](raccordo_down)--++(45:20);
\path[name intersections={of=C1 and C2}];
\coordinate (C90) at (intersection-1);
\draw[<->] ($(C90)+(135:30)$)arc[start angle = 135,
                                 delta angle = 90,
                                 radius      = 30];
\node[rotate = \angle+45,
      anchor = south] at ($(C90)+(135+\angle:30)$){\SeeDim{\ang{90}}};

%-> 14
\dimension[text             = \SeeDim{\diameter60},
           distance         = -5,
           >                = angle 45,
           text translation = .5cm] ($(Ldown)!.5!(Mdown)$)--($(Lup)!.5!(Mup)$);

%-> 15
\dimension[text             = \SeeDim{\diameter80},
           distance         = -10,
           text translation = .5cm] (Idown)--(Iup);

%-> 16
\dimension[text             = \SeeDim{\diameter8 ($\times$4)},
           distance         = 10,
           text translation = -12mm] (Gdown)--(Fdown);

%-> 17
\dimension[text     = \SeeDim{G1'},
           distance = 10] (Bdown)--(Bup);

%-> 18
\dimension[text     = \SeeDim{\diameter23},
           distance = 5] (Adown)--(Aup);

% Dimensions scale
\node[anchor = north west] at (current bounding box.south west)
{All dimensions are in millimeters};

Click to download: supersonic-nozzle.texsupersonic-nozzle.pdf
Open in Overleaf: supersonic-nozzle.tex