The H-tree got his name because of its repeating pattern which looks like the letter "H". It is also called H-fractal, it's a space-filling curve with a Hausdorff dimension of 2.
A binary tree is a tree where each node has no more than two child nodes.
The example shows how to build up a tree recursively using a foreach loop. It uses the tree stuff already in TikZ. With a slight modification, the routine for drawing the H-tree can be adapted to a full binary tree.

Edit and compile if you like:
% H-tree and B-tree % Author: Andrew Stacey \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview} \PreviewEnvironment{tikzpicture} \setlength{\PreviewBorder}{10pt}% \tikzset{ htree leaves/.initial=2, sibling angle/.initial=20, htree level/.initial={} } \makeatletter \def\htree@growth{% \pgftransformrotate{% (\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/sibling angle})*(-.5-.5*\tikznumberofchildren +\tikznumberofcurrentchild)}% \pgftransformxshift{\the\tikzleveldistance}% \pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/htree level}% } \tikzstyle{htree}=[ growth function=\htree@growth, sibling angle=180, htree level={ \tikzleveldistance=.707\tikzleveldistance \pgfsetlinewidth{.707*\the\pgflinewidth} } ] \tikzstyle{btree}=[ growth function=\htree@growth, sibling angle=60, htree level={ \tikzleveldistance=.55\tikzleveldistance \pgfsetlinewidth{.707*\the\pgflinewidth} } ] \long\def\ge@addto@macro#1#2{% \begingroup \toks@\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\expandafter#1#2}% \xdef#1{\the\toks@}% \endgroup} \newcommand{\htree}[2][]{% \def\htree@start{\noexpand\coordinate} \def\htree@end{} \foreach \l in {0,...,#2} { \g@addto@macro\htree@start{child foreach \noexpand\x in {1,2} {\iffalse}\fi} \g@addto@macro\htree@end{\iffalse{\fi}} \global\let\htree@start\htree@start \global\let\htree@end\htree@end } \edef\htree@cmd{\htree@start\htree@end;} \begin{scope}[htree,#1] \htree@cmd \end{scope} } \makeatother \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[ rotate=90, yscale=.5, level distance=3cm, line width=8pt, ] \htree{7} \htree[btree,yshift=-12cm,xshift=-3cm]{7} \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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