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% EPC flow charts
% Author: Fabian Schuh
rounded corners,
draw=black, very thick,
minimum height=2em,
inner sep=2pt,
text centered,
% Position of QUERY
% Use previously defined 'state' as layout (see above)
% use tabular for content to get columns/rows
% parbox to limit width of the listing
\node[state] (QUERY)
\item Start
\item Parameter $Q$
\item Zufallszahl aus \mbox{$[0, 2^Q-1]$} in Slotzähler $SC$
\item Variiere Q
\item neue Zufallszahl
% State: ACK with different content
\node[state, % layout (defined above)
text width=3cm, % max text width
yshift=2cm, % move 2cm in y
right of=QUERY, % Position is to the right of QUERY
node distance=6.5cm, % distance to QUERY
anchor=center] (ACK) % posistion relative to the center of the 'box'
\begin{tabular}{l} % content
\parbox{2.8cm}{Bestätigen mit $RN_{16}$}
below of=ACK,
text width=3cm] (QUERYREP)
\parbox{2.8cm}{Dekrementiere Slotzähler}
right of=ACK,
node distance=5cm,
anchor=center] (EPC)
Antwort: \textbf{EPC}\\
\parbox{4cm}{Mit nächstem \mbox{\textbf{QueryRep}} als "`inventoried"' markieren.}
% draw the paths and and print some Text below/above the graph
\path (QUERY) edge[bend left=20] node[anchor=south,above]{$SC_n=0$}
node[anchor=north,below]{$RN_{16}$} (ACK)
(QUERY) edge[bend right=20] node[anchor=south,above]{$SC_n\neq 0$} (QUERYREP)
(ACK) edge (EPC)
(EPC) edge[bend left] (QUERYREP)
(QUERYREP) edge[loop below] node[anchor=north,below]{$SC_n\neq 0$} (QUERYREP)
(QUERYREP) edge node[anchor=left,right]{$SC_n = 0$} (ACK);
% First node
% Use previously defined 'state' as layout (see above)
% use tabular for content to get columns/rows
% parbox to limit width of the listing
\node[state] (QUERY)
\item Start
\item Codelänge $L$
\item Erzeuge Zufallszahl $i$ aus $[0 \; 2^{Q-1}]$
\item Tabelle $T_P$ mit Generatorparameter
$i$ & $P_1$ & $P_2$ & $i$ \\\hline
$1$ & $45$ & $75$ & $1$\\
$2$ & $78$ & $33$ & $1$\\
$3$ & $25$ & $38$ & $1$\\
\ldots & \ldots & \ldots
\parbox{4cm}{Wähle neue Spreizsequenz}
% Next node: RAKE
\node[state, % layout (defined above)
node distance=6cm, % distance to QUERY
text width=3cm, % max text width
right of=QUERY, % Position is to the right of QUERY
yshift=+3cm] (RAKE) % move 3cm in y
{% % posistion relative to the center of the 'box'
\begin{tabular}{l} % content
\parbox{2.8cm}{Paralleles Entspreizen aller Sequenzen aus $T_P$}
right of=RAKE,
node distance=5cm,
text width=3cm] (ACK)
\parbox{2.8cm}{Bestätigen mit $RN_{16}$}
below of=ACK,
node distance=5cm] (EPC)
Antwort: \textbf{EPC}\\
\parbox{4cm}{Produktcode entspreizen und erfassen}
% draw the paths and and print some Text below/above the graph
\path (QUERY) edge[bend left=50] node[anchor=south,above,text width=4cm]
\item Wähle Zeile $i$ aus $T_P$
\item sende $RN_{16}$ mit $C_i$
} (RAKE)
(RAKE) edge (ACK)
(ACK) edge node[anchor=east,right,text width=3cm,xshift=1em]
\item $RN_{16}$ empfangen
\item Sende EPC mit $C_i$
\item markiere Tag als "`inventoried"'
} (EPC)
(ACK) edge[bend left=45] node[anchor=north,below,text width=4cm,yshift=-2em,xshift=-2em]
\item $RN_{16}$ falsch empfangen
\item Vereinbare neue Sequenz $C_i$
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